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Writing Strategies,Tips, Techniques

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7 Failproof Strategies to Make you a Popular Writer


   Congratulations! You are finally getting published as a writer. But somehow you feel, you could do with a lot more success and popularity. Here are 7 strategies that could improve your writing to help make you a better and more popular writer.

  1. Write For Your Audience

Some writers write for themselves and some write for the audience. Which category do you belong to? Your very success hinges on this one answer.

If you are not writing for the reader, you will not be able to build a rapport and if you don’t build a rapport, you will not meet with much success.

A lot of writers write on a whim. Writing is not an indulgence. You don’t write to impress.

So write with the audience in mind. If this sounds difficult, visualize one and see if he/she can connect with what you are writing.


  1. Practise Writing Every day

Oftentimes, what sounds like a good line in your head doesn’t quite connect on paper?  It is only a daily practice of writing that can get you to understand your writing, which areas you need to work on, what comes easy. What took an hour will eventually take you a much shorter time.

Writing drills help you polish your work, develop a voice and become a more forceful writer every day.


  1. Master the Art of Writing Headlines

The world is not waiting to read your writing. There are a zillion websites, TV shows, Netflix all vying for your reader’s attention.  So then, how do you get them to read your work?

Headline, headline, headline- attention-grabbing, eye-catching, honest, authentic.

If the headline doesn’t stick, you’ve pretty much dug your articles’ grave.

But if the headline is gimmicky where you overpromise and under-deliver you have probably lost your reader. Forever.

So, how do you write better headlines? Professional writers read a ton, analyze what works and write a ton. Of headlines. The very best write 100 headlines every day. You can probably start with 10. Fair enough.


  1. Cultivate the Detachment of a Buddha

Sounds strange?  You will realize in a moment how essential this is to your writing. Good writing is also about good editing no…ruthless editing.  We saw earlier how fickle the reader is. He wants you to get to the point fast.

So, what does that mean? Bye, bye to all those long sentences and flowery prose. Sad but true and your reader will thank you by staying on till the very end.

Put a stone on your heart and cut, edit, delete till the article is crisp, clear, and clean.

Tough choice, but remember our first point – write with the audience in mind.


  1. Discover Your Niche Otherwise Invent One

‘Riches are in the Niches’

A niche is how you differentiate yourself from the competition but most importantly create a connection with your audience, the one only you can serve the way you can.

Your knowledge and interests make you specifically suited to serve that niche and slowly your readers will start building an intimate connection with you and trusting you. Money almost seems a natural by-product of the service you render.


  1. A Mind Set on Success & Only Success

The only thing that differentiates between the pro and Mr. Average is… did you say talent? No is the MINDSET.

 These are the NON-NEGOTIATIABLES in your life, if you want success to partner you

  • Read every day but most importantly write every day
  • No matter what the response to your previous work, get up, brush off the criticism, and get down to writing
  • Consistency is key.. writing every day, learning every day, and getting better every day, there are no shortcuts to that.

Some of the big writers out there – R.K.Narayan, Khushwant Singh, Ruskin Bond – would write every day. First thing two hours in the morning. But that is not all. Several sessions spread throughout the day till the daily target is met. Maybe 5000 words a day. Maybe more but not less.

There are probably a million and more writers all over the planet but it is only those with a WINNER’S MINDSET who move to the big league of writers and stay there.


  1. Get a Mentor and Join a Course

As writers, we sometimes have too high an opinion of our writing.  Other times we feel, we suck. Enter a mentor. He can help you get sorted out. Help in identifying strengths and weaknesses. Help you plug your loopholes. Guide you in niche identification. Basically, you can get to the next level with a Mentor.

If you were to figure out all the pieces on your own, you will be losing out on time and money. Also no matter how good a writer you think you are, a course now and then will help you in refreshing the basics and stay updated with the latest trends.

So do the writer in you a big favor, join a course and get yourself a mentor.

Now, none of these are secrets, but nobody is going to tell you these either.  You learn it by observation and trial and error.  Save yourself a ton of time, money, and energy by learning and implementing it early in your career.  You’ll thank me.


Written by: sowspeaks

                 Sowrabha Mahesh, Happy member of Digital Writopreneurs Hub


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Step- by -Step Guide to Write Your First Article

Every aspiring and newbie writer needs a little bit of guidance to write their first article. A newbie wants to write and express but is unsure of where to start and how to go about the process. There are sometimes so many questions marks and doubts that the first article remains blank for long.

If you are an aspiring writer and have found yourself in this position, then this article will help you get up and started and go on in full steam till you complete the last dot.

So without much ado, let us get started.


Step 1: The Three Crucial Decisions

 What do you want to write about?

Whom do you want to write for?

Which approach do you want to use?

This is a vital step. What do you want to write about and whom are you writing for.

The audience dictates the language, your tone, your choice of words whether simple or a little more complex. A good method is to have an image of your audience – for e.g. I am writing on obesity-related issues for women in the age group of 30-55.

Next is the approach. Good writing does one of three things- Educate, Entertain, Inspire.

You can so all three in an article. But choose one as your predominant approach.

Unless you are clear about this, you are shooting darts in the dark.

Clarity in this step can fill you with more energy and help you proceed with more confidence.

I repeat, write with the audience in mind and every time you are confused while taking decisions see your audience in your mind’s eye and go back to the basics.


Step 2: Create a Mindmap

A lot of writers start writing right away. Which is good but not particularly effective. In this method there are chances that you would be repeating ideas, your flow of thoughts might not be reader-friendly and your ideas might get tossed and turned.

Enter your Mind map. A potent method to organize your ideas in the most reader-friendly manner.

First, jot down all the points you want to cover. Then divide all the related points into subcategories.

Next, create a rough outline and structure.


Step 3: Create a Compelling Headline

The first impression is the Best Impression’

In the case of your article, the headline is what creates the first impression. It could literally mean the difference between life and death for your article.

It will either draw him in or make him look away.

 A good headline arouses curiosity, tickles the readers, and makes them plunge into the article.

Good digital writers spend considerable time crafting titles employing every trick in the trade including copywriting skills.    

Listicles, How To, Questions, Shocking titles, using Power Words are some of the ways to construct evoking headlines.

The title has to contain keywords – preferably a long-tail keyword with 11 words and a minimum of 55 characters to be ranked well.


Step 4: The Trio

The introduction has to be around 300 words and well structured so as to make your reader linger and want to know more.

The sub-headings have to flow into one another and make for coherent reading.

Finally, a conclusion that sums up the key points discussed and also has a forceful call to action. This can be in the form of inviting questions, comments, suggestions, and likes.

If the article is being written for the purpose of promoting a product or service, this is where you ask them to connect with you.


Step 5:  Spice is Nice

This would be a decent enough article. But we need to lift it up and make it stand out.

For this purpose, we could resort to elements like adding quotes, infographics (which captures the key points in a pictorial format) and stating research facts.

You can also add photos, but make sure that these photos are copyright-free. There are a number of sites such as unsplash, pixaby, where you can get high-quality images for free. Alternatively, you can also use original photos or videos shot by you.

Stories, parables, analogies, interesting facts, and trivia can help pack in the punch.


Step 6: Serve it Well

A great dish served poorly loses half its appeal. On the converse, a bad dish can look outstanding with great plating and presentation. Ditto with your article.

Make your first article a visual delight with proper formatting, layout, colorful heading, playing with fonts


This is just a formula for an aspiring writer to write his/her first article.

Apply this formula; see what works for you, eventually, you will arrive at your style and magic formula. That’s when you graduate from an aspiring writer to a professional writer.

Happy writing!

If this article appealed to you in any way, then take a minute to respond and write in your comments and suggestions. Maybe you have a formula. Mention it and keep the learning going.


Written by: sowspeaks

                  Sowrabha Mahesh, Happy member of Digital Writopreneurs Hub


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Unwritten Writing Rules to Transform You into a Successful Professional


The novice writes and so does the professional. Be it a blog piece or content for a client but only a true professional can create a skilled piece of copy that persuades. So what differentiates the two and is that the latter has painstakingly perfected his craft and also worked on his mindset.

1. Experienced writers have developed the discipline of writing every day. ­­­­­­­­­Rain or shine, whether they feel like it or not, they simply write. Because they have learnt the big truth that ‘writing will not work for you. You have to make it work.’

And it is also a muscle. You have to train it hard and well using focus and discipline. Then something happens. You can write faster, better, don’t need inspiration, and become a reliable writer who can deliver a project fast.

2. Successful writers know that good writing-whether content writing or copywriting-is about understanding the reader’s pain and resolving that through their content.

3. Professional writers also use one of these approaches in all their writing – Educate, Entertain, Inspire. Sometimes, they might even use all three, but one always stays predominant.

4. They know that good writing needs to be complemented with maybe a video, audio, infographics, a heart-warming story, some solid research. Constant learning and including better and effective ways of communication figures high on their list of things to do.

5. They are forever reading the work of others writers, authors and creators whether young or old. An insatiable hunger for learning and growth and zero ego are keys for success in the long run.

6. They understand the psychology of the reader and respect his time. This means that they write short and crisp and get to the point fast. This also translates to merciless editing.

7. They don’t listen to their heads as much as they listen to their hearts and that is how they write on to success.

8. They know that in the big game, talents counts for little. They value effort, patience, perseverance, and consistency over talent.

9. They know the power of social media and have taken the effort to carefully cultivate an audience on social media. Just like a great movie with very little promotion can tank, so can a good piece of writing. Writing is only half the job done.

10. A successful writer has no illusions about his work. He knows that the reader doesn’t read the piece because it is well-written. The reader reads because it solves a problem and there is something of value that he takes away from the content.

11. Good writers intuitively understand that to appeal to the reader, they have to connect to his head but more importantly to his heart. To this end, they equip themselves with a fairly good knowledge of human psychology, copywriting skills. And whatever else it takes.

12. All successful writers decide on their niche fairly early. They use two questions to narrow down on their niche. What is of interest to the audience? Which subject is of interest to me and where I have both knowledge and expertise? Thus they cultivate Subject Matter Expertise (SME) and become an authority in their domain. Now clients come seeking them, the reader comes looking for them and the fact the writer commands better rates is a natural byproduct of that expertise.

13. Successful writers are open to any new technology that can help them in writing better content and connecting with the audience impactfully. So they use Grammarly to help with the grammar and writing, Canva to create infographics and eye-catching images, unsplash and pixaby for copyright-free images.

14. Powerful writers also use SEO( Search Engine Optimisation)techniques to ensure that their readers can find them fast by appearing on the first page of the search results.

15. Successful writers are sensible and never get carried away by SEO and the demands that it makes on their writing. They write primarily for their audience/reader and SEO techniques are utilized to also render the article Search Engine friendly. Reader-friendly first and Search Engine friendly second.

16. A successful writer does a lot of pointed research in forums, Facebook groups, and other community forums to find out his reader’s pain and understand his audience better.

17. Lastly but may be of utmost importance, a good writer works on his blocks, beliefs, and habits that stand in the way of his success and as a consequence becomes a better human being while also being a skilled writer.

18. An experienced writer never lets his experience come in the way of learning. So he is open to new courses that can help him stay updated as well as a community to stay grounded.



A successful professional writer, whatever may be his form- content, copy, book- swears by his craft and his audience. The currency follows.


Written by: sowspeaks

                 Sowrabha Mahesh, Happy member of Digital Writopreneurs Hub


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What are the Opportunities for a Writer – Some Practical Pointers


Is writing a passion that you looking at turning into a full-time career?

Are you confused if, you, as a writer can make a sustainable living out of it?

Do you dream of the day when you can quit your job and turn full-time writer?

Are you wondering about the complete scope that the writing space has to offer has?

There are a number of ways in which a writer can make a living.  So let us do a deep dive.

Content writing

First things first, content writing is not creative writing, I repeat not creative writing. In content (pronounced con-tent ) writing, you write for a purpose, mostly to solve the problems of your audience.

You churn out content for your client based on their requirement and you are paid for the number of words you turn out. As you grow as a content writer, you get to a position where you can command a higher rate per word.

Content writing requires you to have a fair knowledge of writing as also a command of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). More on SEO in another post.

You could be a freelancer or attached to a company in which case you take home a salary.


In blogging, you write on topics of interest to you. There are blogging sites like HubPages, blogger, and Medium. You can also create your own WordPress site. Once you monetize your site, you start earning.

With blogging, you can and should create a subscriber base. Remember the link at the end, which asks you to drop your e-mail and subscribe in exchange for some free gift, usually an e-book.  This e-mail helps you to keep in touch with the readers and build a relationship of trust with them.

You can also update them on your latest articles, do a little bit of affiliate marketing and if you write a book in the future, this will be your primary market.

Write e-books / Self Publish Books / Ghostwriting

 Thanks to Kindle and Amazon Prime, there is a huge market for e-books. Here again, you can write for a client or self-publish your book.

You can even look at self publish a book on Amazon – maybe a children’s book or a cookbook or anything.

Talking about books, there is also the opportunity to ghostwrite a book. This means that the book is published under someone’s say but essentially you have written the book based on the brief given by the publishing house or company.

Affiliate Marketing

This is how many writers supplement their income. A writer can affiliate market books, stationery, writing courses of others, and maybe some other products that their articles talk about.

Selling Courses

This is how one scales up.

Let us suppose that you are a content writer/blogger and you are a specialist in a niche, say, financial planning for the working professional. You have worked at it ardently for a couple of years. You have written for companies in the space, written e-books, written on your blogs and in all have created some Google authority on the subject.

So you have expertise in both writing and financial planning and frequently get asked advice on both.

You can leverage your expertise by creating an online course – Financial Planning for Dummies.

This is how one scales up in this space.  

Writers coach/Mentor

 This is an extension of the previous idea, only a little different. The previous idea was about selling a course.

Here you turn coach to other budding writers because digital writing space is something you know about. Well. You mentor them and help them to find their niche. You help them to strengthen their strength and work on their weaknesses. You show them the loopholes in the system. You work with them in getting their first client.

YouTube /Podcasting

Some bloggers eventually turn to YouTube/Podcasting to reach their audience in a new way. These are logical extensions.

Social Media  Managers

Online writers with their ideal blend of writing knowledge + SEO skills + copywriting skills make for decent social media managers. There are stories of digital writers who started off with managing the media accounts of small start-ups and eventually turned into full-fledged social media managers.


Some Practical Pointers

  1. Writing is not a quick rich scheme. Nobody makes it big with their first article or first book. Well, you are really lucky if you do! It takes time and perseverance.
  2. Earmark the first year for learning, maybe take a few relevant courses and write alongside. I took my courses from Digital Writopreneurs Hub.
  3. With consistency, perseverance, and patience you will start cracking the code from the second year on.
  4. Opportunities for making a sustainable living and a flourishing career are many. But it all starts with writing. Writing well. Writing consistently.
  5. I just repeated perseverance and consistency as they are that important.
  6. I began by mentioning that content writing does not equal creative writing and I again conclude on that note. Building a connection with the audience; engaging them and enhancing your relationship with them is vital.


If you are passionate about writing, you are sure to enjoy this journey. So, wish you luck and keep at it.

And if you found value here or you have more questions, do write in the comment box. Would love to hear from you!


Written by: sowspeaks

                 Sowrabha Mahesh, Happy member of Digital Writopreneurs Hub


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Mansi Arora
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Subconscious mind: How writers can Reprogramme the mind in 7 ways?


Is it possible to reprogramme your subconscious mind to achieve your goals? Yes, indeed. The subconscious mind is like a storage house or a data bank, it can store anything permanently. The main function of the subconscious mind is to store and retrieve data. Whatever, you have seen, done, or thought you can recollect from the mind.

The conscious mind is the primary! The subconscious mind is secondary, it obeys the commands that is been given by the conscious mind. The way we are programmed we respond accordingly.

  1. The power of reading positive affirmations, positive thinking, and visualization
  • By doing motivational activities such as reading inspirational quotes, repeating positive affirmations will condition your mind in the right way. Powerful and positive words have supremacy and puts a major impact on overall health.
  • Thoughts are like dynamite; they will explode as per the mind had been conditioned. Mind is like an empty field. If the conscious mind will sow the seeds of happiness and love. The subconscious mind will make the beautiful garden out of it.  If you will think about positive outcomes only, you will become the most positive person. It might be possible that the result that you were seeking from any action or event won’t be like as you thought. But, it will not disturb your mindset. Thinking negative or wrong will give you results related to that.
  • The power of visualization is dynamic, it can help you in building experiences. The subconscious part of your brain cannot distinguish between a well-done imagination or reality. Imagine yourself as you have already achieved the goal. Create a visualization and put all your senses into it. Do it with more details and emotions. The subconscious mind will get convinced that it is happening.
  1. Create a right environment

You have to check the environment where you are living. You have to ignore and stay far from those people who radiate negative vibes through commenting or having jealousy towards you. Have an attitude of gratitude within you. Acknowledge people and their talents. Be humble, do not assume that you know everything in life. Always count your blessings! When you feel stuck or facing writer’s block, start small, write daily. Make daily and short-term goals to achieve a higher result. Having a golden and grateful heart in you is a big achievement when people will recognize you as a kindhearted and polite person.

  1. Having the right mindset

Subconscious programming starts when you have the right mindset. When you give your brain the right direction of what you want to do. Develop the right mindset for success removing all the fears from the mind and self-doubt. Reprogramme your mind from I Can’t to I Can and I will. You can feel sometimes your subconscious mind pulls you back to your comfort zone whenever you try to do something new or overcoming negativity. Commit yourself to your life and career.

  1. Embrace your power in belief

You have to believe in yourself. Take out time to think who you are? What do you believe in? Be true to yourself and your goals. Be consistent with your efforts in writing, follow a step-by-step plan to become an author.  The key to success in the writing industry is if you are confident, courageous, and action-oriented towards the goal. If you put in some effort you can become bold and brave to face anything in life and career.

  1. What you sow, you will reap

When you set your subconscious mind to any task backed up by any strong emotion. If you think continuously about becoming a quality freelance or content writer and copywriter. Then you will be obsessed with that goal and you will have that fire burning inside you to see yourself in that position, you will become successful. When you plant one seed of success in your mind, all your thoughts and actions should be fixed on achieving that aim. If you keep on thinking about positive aspects of life, then all positive things will happen in life.

  1. Never think about loosing or look back

With single-mindedness, follow your heart and focus on your goals. Never back down from your dreams. Never think of loosing so early. Everything takes time to get established. Have faith in what you believe. When you commit yourself towards your mission then you cannot look back or loose. So many people look up to you for your consideration and efforts.

  1. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal 

Start your journey by defining the goal, your thoughts inspire the actions, if your goal is a realistic one, write it somewhere and feel it. The small wins matter, it will lead you to your goal, it is a progressive technique! Have you ever noticed in life, if you decide to do anything, there comes an opportunity that allows you to do it!

At last,  Your mind is the key to success and you know how to reprogramme it. It is you who can take back control of your mind and then of your life and career. When you go into deep sleep have you ever wondered who looks after your body and mind, breathing and heartbeats? This consciousness in the form of life is called Soul which connects our mind and body. This subconsciousness is the keeper of life, it is in the form of energy. When the subconscious is trained and conditioned it can become very powerful provided it is in synchronicity with the universe and our aura which should always be positive. If you found this article helpful, share your feedback in the comment section. 

Written By – Mansi Arora

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Mansi Arora
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How to Grow as a Writer?


When you picked up writing, learning how to nurture yourself as a writer was your biggest inclination. Is it? Do you want to improve your writing skills and grow as a quality writer?

When you were a student you wrote essays in an English subject. When you were in college you were strictly asked to talk and think in English. When you get a job, you were checked on the basis of your writing skills to write emails and reports. When you start a family, you teach your children English at home. Writing is important but it is not painful process as it seems.

If you are in the writing industry, there is a demand for highly qualified and experienced writers. So, here are few tips that can help you grow as a writer.

  1. Take a course, learn the basics

If you are new to writing, and you don’t write for a living but you want to earn through writing. If you want to make writing your passion and earning model.  You can take a writing course, to brush up on your skills and check your grammar. You can take an online course to learn writing such as Udemy and Digital Writopreneur Hub. Joining a course will give you a better understanding of the principles of writing.

  1. Write daily, write like it is your passion

If you are into writing you have to write daily, take a break and then write again. Writing is something you can hone by practicing. Writing daily can help you develop your unique style of writing. Even if you do not notice at the beginning or people do not read your articles, do not get disheartened. Keep practicing! Joining a course will give you an insight into many things such as traffic generation, SEO, social media strategies, and much more. In this way, you can learn how to write efficiently.

  1. Read Authors you admire, make reading a habit

If starting your journey as a writer, you have to be a good reader. Reading is the only habit which can help you in writing good articles. When you are reading a book, blog posts, and articles. Other than just reading, observe the writing styles, mood, sentence structure, word choice, and tone. Dissect every element used in writing, do not copy anything but imitate, which is not considered plagiarism.

  1. Find an accountability partner

If you have joined an institute to learn writing or an online course, you will meet new people. Increase your social network, make new friends, and you will get to observe and read other people’s minds which will broaden your horizon of thought. You can find an accountability partner and you both can push each other to write and achieve targets. You can proofread each other’s articles and give a better version of your article. This way you will spot the mistakes that you may have not noticed. Accountability partners will keep you in check with daily writing goals.

  1. Develop your own style of writing

Finding your way of writing can be tricky, which can be achieved through practice. Finding your niche and micro niche are important. When you are comfortable in writing about the subject you like, where you can express yourself as a person, where your words flow naturally. Reading and writing with ease will decide your flow of emotions. Being honest with your feelings which you put into your writing masterpiece will be considered as your writing style.

  1. Write articles as per the structure

When you start writing, make an outline for the topic. Write 200 words first then start framing an article from that. A proper framework of the article includes:

  • An Eye catchy title: with long-tailed keywords
  • Short and crisp summary
  • Introduction: title’s meaning explained
  • Body including headings and subheadings
  • Conclusion: with a call to action
  1. Proofread and edit your work first

When you complete the article, you need to proofread it several times. This will serve as one thing where you can change the complex structured sentences into short ones. You can change the word choice; you can do spellcheck. Remove unnecessary words and compile short and simple sentences which are easy to understand and are focusing on reader’s pain points. Thus, you are editing your article in the first place. You can take the help of an accountability partner to proofread your articles and edit it.

  1. Find a good and patient editor

Editing is a high-pressure skill, which only a proficient editor can do! after you have done proofreading and edited it at your end. Find an editor who is patient enough to handle your article and correct it as per the structure.

  1. The first few attempts on article writing won’t be masterpieces

If you are thinking you will get the perfect article on a very first attempt then you are mistaken. Even writers turned authors do the same mistakes after publishing their book. And, you have just started your journey. You will make errors and your coach will teach you how to correct them. Take it slowly and lightly, and conquer the world of writing which is full of magic and possibilities.

  1. Use writing prompts and do recreational activities to come out of writer’s block

If you are facing writer’s block, do some recreational activities which can refresh your mind. Try dancing out, do yoga, practice meditation, take a walk in the park, do a self-talk, pat yourself to have come this far, and start again. You can use various writing prompts to start working on the topic.

  1. Get feedback from reader’s

When you are writing for readers, you focus on their problems and give solutions through your articles. Getting valuable feedback from them not only will prove your efficacy but also the readers will be benefited in some or the other way.

  1. Be honest with yourself and do not get afraid to write what you think

You have to depict your honest feelings when you write. You have to become bold to convey your message across. Never be afraid of to write what comes in your mind.

  1. Do research before writing, find weak points in your writing

While writing on any topic, do some research beforehand. This will help you write a good article with correct facts and numbers. You can use graphs, pie charts, images to prove your title. While writing for a long time you will figure out the weak points you have when you write. Once you find those weak holes in your writing, start finding solutions for them.

If you found these tips for improving your writing skills and growing as a writer. Do share your tips and feedback in the comment section.

Written By – Mansi Arora

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Skyrocket Your Online Writing Career Immediately With This One Move


I always thought of myself as a good writer.

I didn’t have too much trouble with grammar and vocabulary.

I could ideate and edit my work.

All the rest I could learn along the way or so I thought.


At just the right stage and state of mind to make my next move and turn pro writer or so I thought.

I will start with blogging and then work on getting my first client and by the end of the first year will be raking in the money.

Make way for the next online writing sensation.

As they say, ignorance is bliss.


And then I heard of my friend who got a freelance project only to never get paid.

And then another one who was paid abysmal rates for what I thought was very good work.

Is this to be the end of my long-held dream of turning a writer?

What about all the projects, ads, copy, blog posts, social media posts, e-books that I was meant to write?

Has it all ended even before it began in earnest.

I prayed for direction and remained hopeful.



And then some weeks later, I saw an ad on Facebook.

I don’t know what chord it connected but I instantly ended up paying. This was the first course that I ever bought. On impulse, I should say.

I really didn’t know what I was getting into.

There were recorded sessions. Good. Expected. And they were really good and we were guided to immediately start blogging. This helped me to understand my strengths and weakness. Thanks to the blogging, we had also created a sort of portfolio. Anybody in the digital writing space knows that creating a portfolio is hugely helpful.

There were also live editing sessions. What a pleasant surprise. I was connecting to actual people and having actual conversations and getting my doubts cleared in real-time. With editing, I also realized that I didn’t know, that I didn’t know. My ignorance sure was bliss but would have cost me heavily in the writer’s market.

Thankfully, I have moved from the ignorance is bliss state, to I know much more, but I also know that learning is a house with a million doors. There is always something more to explore.

And then the community. Felt great to be connected to so many like-minded people pursuing writing seriously. Mind you, this was no giggling bunch of college-goers. These were accomplished professionals of all ages with clear ideas and intentions. Some wanting to pursue writing as a serious side hustle and others wanting to switch over and make it their primary earning source.

There are some motivating instances that stand out. We have a 70-year young writing aspirant. He is a retired engineer turned entrepreneur. Whatever assignment is entrusted, he is the first one to sincerely do it and turn it on time. His enthusiasm is contagious. Whenever I would slide back in my work, I would feel ashamed of myself. seeing his enthusiasm and sincerity.

Then, there is the story of this writer who has his own WordPress site. But joining this course and community helped him iron out the flaws in his writing. He started blogging on this other site as well and with the encouragement and guidance he received from our mentor, he went on to write 150+ articles and also went on to win the writing contest four times in a row. Now, he stands tall as a best-selling Amazon author with six books under this belt.

What is even more impressive about his story is that he hails from a small town in the North East of India. He has had to battle internet connectivity issues, and in the course of the last year was witness to a couple of floods as well. Amidst all this, he sits like a Buddha and writes. All my complaints and objections just fade away when I see this man.

There are so many such stories that my objections, fears, and concerns simply seem too small and insignificant.



But undoubtedly getting a Mentor has been the real game-changer for me and probably there are others who share my emotions on the subject. He is the Founder- Director of the course I signed up for and it felt good that I have someone to personally clarify my doubts and not an automated chatbot, thank God for that!

After all, how many of us take a course and leave it mid-way or complete it and don’t know how to take it forward. Then there are others who join Facebook groups and other communities only to lose interest after a point. But with a Mentor following up, you become accountable. Not just any mentor. But someone who has close to two decades of experience in the field.

 You have someone who is watching your back but drives you to turn in work, no matter what. There are others who have been guided in identifying their niche. Every day I learn, I grow and I enjoy.

In my case, the sheer energy and speed of my Mentor boggles my mind. Deliberately and sometimes unconsciously, I have imbibed some of his qualities – his speed of output, his vast knowledge, his passion for what he does, his constantly helping hand, his positive enthusiastic self.

But what I consider an absolute masterstroke is the creation of a contest culture. The bimonthly Digital Writopreneurs Hub Writing Contest is one of the most coveted contests. There are equally important awards given for community assistance and community building. All these activities help create a writing habit and promote healthy participation in the community.


From a skeptic to sold out, I now believe that having a Mentor is what can make the biggest difference to taking your writing career north. Skyrocket in a way.

P.S. For those curious, the course I bought was the Digital Writopreneurs Bundled Course and Rajinder Soni, my Mentor.


Written by : sowspeaks ( Sowrabha Mahesh)

                   Proud member, DWH

#writingcareer #sowspeaks #digitalwritopreneurshub #writingcontest #mentorisvital



Mansi Arora
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Steps for Aspiring Writers to Become a Professional Writer!

Are you an aspiring writer or perhaps, a novice in the writing industry? Then surely, you must be wanting to write efficiently and fulfill your wish to become a professional writer. Wondered if there was a step-by-step formula to become a professional writer or author? This article is just about that. It gives you certain valuable information and beneficial ideas to attain the status of a quality writer or author.

It is human nature to write. Only humans can write. The act of writing is all about putting all your feelings into words. You write the truth about the world and society, then you are a writer. If you can imagine characters and create a story wherever you go, you are a writer. When you are always having a notebook with you to observe nature and get ideas from the outside world, you are a writer. Moreover, writing is all about intent; if you are actively working on your writing and are trying to improve and if you are aiming at giving your best to convey your thoughts and ideas, you are a writer!

However, writing like a pro comes with consistency, focus, and hard work which takes time. The more you practice, the better you get at your craft. But in the beginning, when you are starting your writing journey, following the steps given below will surely help you bloom as a quality writer: –

  1. Use Acceptable Writing Practices

When you start writing articles, blogs, memoirs, reviews, etc., make sure that you follow acceptable writing practices. Construct a proper structure and write grammatically correct sentences. Some of the important considerations are listed here.

  • Subject-Verb Agreement

The verbs in your sentences must align with their respective subjects correctly. Many writers create a bad impression by writing sentences like – The boy raised their hand. The correct version is – The boy raised his hand.

  • Correct Spellings

Writing correct spellings will enhance your overall presentation. You can ask someone to proofread your article for you to detect wrong spellings. Or you may use a dictionary yourself to check the right spelling.

  • Proper Syntax

The arrangement of words to form phrases and sentences correctly is known as syntax. Make sure that the formation of sentences and the relationship between their components is right and expresses the meaning correctly.

  • Correct Use of Voice

The use of active or passive voice in a sentence entails not only selecting the voice carefully but also strictly following the rules.

  • Right Capitalization

Follow the rules, like capitalizing the first word of the sentence and all proper nouns in your writing. However, while writing titles of the articles, all words except articles, conjunctions and prepositions are capitalized.

  • Appropriate Punctuation

Using punctuations appropriately means using a full stop or a question mark to end a sentence and following the rules in using the comma. Other punctuation marks like the colon, semicolon, interjection, hyphen, and single and double quotation marks are used appropriately to write professionally.

  1. Build a Holdover Written Vocabulary

Finding the right word and applying it is a must for a polished write-up. Do not use complicated words for the general audience. If you are using it anyway to explain your context in a better way, then prepare a glossary at the end to give its elucidation.

Reading in any form can help in building your vocabulary.

  • It may be reading an editorial page of a newspaper or magazines such as Economic Times, Reader’s Digest, and Cosmopolitan.
  • Other than reading, start maintaining your vocabulary journal. Use an app to build your vocabulary banks such as magoosh or word of the day to start your day with a new word, which in the form of flashcards can appear on your mobile screen daily.
  • Be moderate while using fancy words. Because sometimes using difficult and jazzy words in a sentence would make it hard for a reader to understand.
  1. Be Clear and Logical

Various thoughts come to your mind. Are you unable to pen them down? First, you have to stop thinking that you cannot write or that you know nothing about writing. This is the fear of jotting down your feelings and emotions on the paper. You will have to conquer it first. Whatever you fear in life, you have to try and keep doing that thing repeatedly. Writing clearly and logically may be difficult when you are a novice. The unclear and confusing content may distract your readers and they may leave reading your article. But, do not stop working on your skills, use a proper structure to present your thoughts. Only by practice you can write your thoughts clearly and make your readers read your articles thoroughly and connect with your writing.

  1. Bring the Natural Flow in Writing

You must write in the natural flow, from title to conclusion. Be creative and expressive in your article, so that the readers can relate to what they are reading. You should be committed to the value which you are giving to the readers through your title.

  • Choose an eye-catching title using long-tailed keywords.
  • After selecting the topic, communicate your views by preparing an outline before starting the writing process. You can reorganize the text later after the writing process and rephrase the sentences.
  • Summarize, introduce and explain the topic.
  • Define headings and subheadings as per the content.
  • Stay to the point and present interesting details through illustrations to grab readers’ attention.
  1. Polish Your Writing

After honing your grammar, you have to brush up on your sentences. Avoid using long-winded sentences which are hard to understand. Use short, crisp sentences and to the point. Avoid conveying too many things in one sentence. Sentences are the wagon of imagination, where a sentence not only depicts facts but shows logic, promise and emotion. You need to do a lot of practice to write great sentences. Two exercises that you can practice for writing is: –

  • Write daily at least 200 to 500 words. Write short paragraphs, check your headlines and subject lines.
  • Practice on Twitter for posting tweets of 280 words where you compress and make short and simple sentences.

Make sure that you have explained the abbreviations as extra information in parenthesis. Also, if any sentence has a parallel structure, check twice and carefully to see if both the parts are truly parallel.

  1. Spend a Good Amount of Time in Writing a Great Title

A title is the first thing that a reader notices, that is why it should be catchy and attention-grabbing. It should convey the main topic of the article; it should be summarizing. Write down few titles and after completing the article choose the best one. You can take the opinion of your peers and accountability partners to suggest a good title.

  1. Always Have an Outline Before Starting to Write

The outline will give you an idea of what to write. Outlines are like the structure of a building. Once the structure is ready, you must fill it with appropriate words. Before starting the writing process, outline the topic. By outlining you can organize or reorganize your content accordingly.

  1. Most Important: Write Regularly

Do not let a day go by without you practicing your writing skills. Keep on writing something, big or small, a poem, an article, a story, or work on a novel. When you write regularly you will not face writer’s block. Writing will become your habit. Without any exception, you will take out time every single day for writing. 

  1. After Writing, Read Your Article Twice, Carefully

Once you have written your article, you will have to read it at least twice to make it better in terms of grammar and presentation. Reading it twice will make you find errors and you can correct them before publishing it. Writing is like a work of art, when you start it might be confusing, but when you are finished it comes out as a masterpiece.

  1. Enroll Yourself in a Course to Learn Better Writing

The last piece of advice, you should enroll yourself in a writing course. You have to invest in yourself to become a better writer. While joining do not think of the course fee as an expense but take it as an investment. In the coming days and months, it will pay off as you will learn as well as earn. There are various digital platforms where you can start your journey. The one I suggest from my personal experience is Digital Writopreneur Hub to become a quality writer or author.


As aspiring writers, you should treat your writing as tour legacy because writing influences many people. So, you must write for the long term. Get inspiration from like-minded people around you and read about favourite writers and authors to develop the qualities which are needed to become one. You must sustain your internal motivation at all times to be able to write quality stuff.

If you have found this article helpful in framing and implementing your writing plans, do share your valuable feedback in the comment section below.


Written By- Mansi Arora

Edited By- Poonam Malik


#digitalwritopreneurhub #digitalwriting #articlewriting #mansiarora #poonammalik #mentor #rajindersoni #writingcontest #qualitywriter #aspiringwriter #professionalauthor #stepbystepformula 

Vidyashree P N
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Content Writing Career: Know All About Top Content Writing Courses

Are you passionate about writing and but do not know how to start your writing journey? Are you not getting paid for your hard work? Do you want to build a writing career with a decent income?

If your answer is yes to the questions asked above, then you are at the right place.

Online content writing courses are becoming famous day by day. You can train yourself with content writing and promotion strategies from anywhere. It will help you to gain an advantage over your competitors in this fast-paced career world.

In this article, we will cover everything related to the importance of joining an online course, prerequisites of writing, learn how to start content writing, various free and paid courses available. After completing this article the onlookers will have a better idea about content writing and its courses.

Who Can Join the Content Writing Course?

In this time of covid-19, many are unemployed and they may be searching for an opportunity. So the content writing field will be a boon for them. If the person has passion, dedication, and love to show up the writer in him, he can make this a full-time career. If the person can bring the thoughts on the paper with the right skills, internet knowledge, researching, grammar, vocabulary, good computer knowledge, reading skill, content writing tools, learning the skill and producing best quality content within the timelines then he will be a successful content writer and can give his best to his readers.

Free content writing courses with Certification

If you are an apprentice or learning from scratch or to boost your learning skills the content writing courses are helpful. If you get enrolled in an online course, professional trainers will guide you throughout the period. The trainers provide the best curriculum, webinars, virtual classes, instructor-led online sessions, assignments, and equip you to be competent at all-time. These courses will help you to establish online businesses and your trade name.

Top websites for content writing certification

  1. HubSpot content creation and marketing course – Renowned free online training provider HubSpot software provide free and practical sessions to help writers learn and promote their content like professionals. They also provide a certificate on completion of the course.
  2. Udemy– This podium offers free and paid courses for beginners and professionals. They provide various courses for Academic Writing, Content Writing, Digital Marketing along with certificates.
  3. Skillshare – It has a huge collection of content writing topics for beginners and experts both free and paid. For the first time, there will be 1 month of unlimited access to all the paid courses. The duration of the course varies for different levels and the certificate will be available for all the courses.

Content writing courses for beginners

How beginners should start with content writing

If you are a beginner in content writing then reading is a very important skill. Make a practice to write every day and join an online content writing course. Improve research skill and exhibit your writing in a simple language which can reach the audience easily.

Why Content Writing is a good Career Opportunity

In this competitive world, content writing jobs are in great demand. With the upgraded and latest writing skills, you can earn money and establish your branding. The content writers can do freelancing and work for many companies to gain immense knowledge.

How Beginners Can Kick Start Their Career in Content Writing

There is no specialization required for content writing, but for technical writing, specialization is a must. You can become a content writer at any stage of your life and you can build your proficiency through blogging, freelancing, internship, and certifications.

How To Become a Good Content Writer

Many people write, but everybody cannot make a name as a writer. The reason is they lack some important skills. Skills lead us to success and they can be acquired only through hard work and effort. SEO is an important skill in content writing. The basic and upgraded knowledge of SEO must be implemented with a new outlook. The articles must have originality and plagiarised-free content will aid you to become a top writer. Through good research skills, one can give trustworthy, up to date and value-packed information. Be active on social media platforms and provide content consistently. It will bring you fame and you can have a fan club. Lastly, the work has to be delivered in time to the clients.

Online Content Writing Courses in INDIA

Wide varieties of online content writing courses are available. But choosing the right course to pursue is a key factor. So, we have shortlisted the top websites that provide awesome writing courses that you can join.

Top 5 Website for Online Content Writing Courses in India

  1. Digital Writopreneurs Hub & Academy – Mr Rajinder Soni leads this online platform. He has an experience of over 20 years in the content writing field. Features such as online portfolio development, article writing contests, personalized live editing sessions, and freelancing opportunities are available.
  2. Education and Career Times (ECT) – is a government-recognized institution. They provide free demo classes, personalized training, and internships. They also award certificates on the successful completion of the course.
  3. IIDE – The online learning platform is for beginners. They offer social media content creation training, copywriting, and content writing courses.
  4. IIM Skills – Lifetime support, free tools, and freelance opportunities are available in this learning platform. The curriculum includes basic courses for beginners and advanced courses for professionals.
  5. Henry Harvin – live projects with 1-year of gold membership, learn various types of content. 32 hours of training along with 24 hours revision sessions for beginners are available. They also provide certificates.


Now, we have provided all the details on how content writing can be a profitable career option for an aspiring writer. After reading this entire article you will be able to choose the best course to learn and upskill content writing skills. Once, you choose content writing you must update yourself with the latest trends, to succeed as a content writer.


Written by: Vidyashree PN, Content Writer and Digital Writopreneur

Edited by: Rajinder Soni, Writopreneurs Coach, Digital Writopreneurs Hub & Academy

#contentwriter #freelancewriter #contentwritingcourses #rajindersoni #vidyashreepn #digitalwritopreneurs #dwhub #contentwritingcontest

Vidyashree PN

Risha Khan
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Title: Top 9 Strategies to Overpower the Fear of Writing, Publishing, and Promoting Your Articles


Do you get scared when it comes to writing or sharing your content? Do you wonder from where this fear generates? Read this article to know the cause and remedy to your fears.


Every content creator experiences the fear of writing, publishing, and promoting once or more in their writing career. Whether you are new to writing or an experienced writer, you might get nervous when you have to share your write-up. Several reasons lead to the generation of this fear. However, one fear is common to all. It is the fear of writing and sharing only valuable stuff with your readers. You want to communicate your ideas in the form of writing with others. But at the same time, you have a fear of what your audience will think of you, whether they will like it or not. You lose hope and underestimate your capabilities to write.

You stop focusing on your reader and shift your focus on yourself. Instead of creating something that provides value to your readers, you end up wasting all your energy in thinking about how others will react to your work.

Here in this article, you will learn the causes of fear of writing, publishing, and promoting and how to move forward with confidence.

  1. Peer Pressure vs Passion

 The first step is to identify the root cause of your fear. Analyze whether you are genuinely passionate about writing or writing because of peer pressure. If you love to write, you can learn the skill with consistent practice, even if you do not know how to write. However, if you write only to please people, then your writing career will be short-lived.

At this stage, re-evaluate your decision to write.

A few years back, I had an experience. I always enjoyed reading articles, blogs, books, etc. So, I developed an interest in writing. With many failed attempts, at that moment, I realized I was not passionate about writing. Now, years later, I realized I still have an urge to write. I attribute this twist to the positive reviews I got for two poems I wrote after my breakup.

  1. Create a Writer’s Mindset

Creating a writer’s mindset helps you to be in control of your writing. This would be about capture your thoughts, ideas with the help of the right words.  Be it technology, reviews or lifestyle, coaching or any specialty writing, the writer’s mindset helps the individual to come up with the framework of the article. When you are an amateur, you can choose certain frameworks such as the use of who, what, why, where and how as a core of the article structure.

  1. Create a Habit of Regular Writing

There is always a first time. Make the first conscious decision to write. Make writing your habit. You can plan on certain days or allocated regular time daily. Let your mind dictate the thoughts as you pen them down. Embrace the flow of the thoughts, you may edit and reorder them after finishing your task of writing. This way you ensure you have captured everything you wanted to say. Read through the article and see if it has a story you had envisioned and check if the order of the message is correct. These are your initial scribblings and do not rush in publishing them yet.

  1. Build your Circle of Critics

A reviewer can be your friend, editor, or an experienced writer. Analyze their feedback and incorporate their suggestions into your writing.  It will refine your writing skills, and you will know how to write engaging and valuable content for your readers.

  1. Take courage to publish on social media

You can choose to publish snippets of your articles on social media. You can experience the reader’s reactions to your work. If you receive any criticism, take it to your positive stride. Revalidate your work basis the criticism and edit it in case you feel the need for it. This way you will build confidence to take criticism with a pinch of salt. In today’s time, you have Linkedin, Facebook, WordPress and various other media. Choose your platform. This will also build your brand as well.  

  1. Mentor

While the mentor concept can be very commonly used when you are in this space where you have writer’s block. A mentor with a similar journey can help you as a buddy to get through the most difficult stumblers in your path of being a good writer.


  1. Choose your niche & micro-niche

So now you have found the purpose, built in a habit and courage to go public and acquired critics. Now it is time to find your niche and micro-niche. Wonder why you need to make a repute in an area you would thrive. You would agree with me in the field, generalist is never having a huge value. Take any field only specialists are paid better. While writing is not monetary gain, it is about having an audience who would be able to connect. You have folks writing on technology or gadgets or food or travelogue or self-help and various other fields. The intent is about connecting with your audience, repute yourself and sustain your client base.


  1. Join a community

Find your support community. Today, some communities support individuals to achieve their goals. Be it weight loss to cooking to travel or even writing, you have a niche-based community. Do a little research to find a writer’s community of your comfort. I have found my community of comfort – Digital Writopreneurs’ Hub.


  1. Challenge and Reward yourself

Occasionally, try and challenge yourself. Maybe you could challenge yourself by increasing the word limit or try a new area. You can participate in a writing contest. Improving your own standard is like breaking your own records. Celebrate both success and failure It helps improve your quality and confidence. Remember your biggest competitor is yourself.


An additional tip that I would recommend is if at all you are required to write on a topic that is new or you are not an expert, never hesitate, do your research. The internet is never short of information and builds your article based on the insights. Never let the fear of the unknown stop you from what you are passionate about. These are the simple steps that have helped me overcome my fear of writing. I am proud of what I am now. It is a journey of learning to be a better writer. Last, of all be consistent in your approach, it is only then you would see the results of your work. You need to do this over a period of time for celebrating success. Remember you can’t build your empire overnight. Last is the life lesson that I truly follow which is daily 1% improvement and sustaining it.

Your knowledge and suggestions are heartily welcomed in the comment section. Feel free to ask your questions and I will try my best to answer them for sure.

#overcomefears #writing #publishing #promoting #reshmajacob #rajindersoni #digitalwritopreneurs 

Written by: Reshma Jacob, Digital Writopreneur.

Edited by: Rajinder Soni, CEO of Digital Writopreneurs Hub.

Risha Khan
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Posts: 131

 8 Effective Tips for Aspiring Writers to Become a Powerful Brand

Summary: Are you aspiring to become an influential writer? Have you been searching for strategies to make a strong impact on the minds of your target audience? If yes, then your search ends here. This article presents some helpful tips for newbie writers like you to build a strong brand in the writing industry. Read on to know more.


To create a strong brand presence in the writing industry, consistency is very important. You must write, publish, and promote your articles regularly by creating an editorial calendar. This will keep your potential readers engaged and help you establish yourself as a brand. Following are some handy tips to build your brand as a writer: –

1. Discover your Passion Niche

So, what is a “niche”? In simple words, niche can be defined as “ an area of expertise” and “a subject/topic you are passionate to write about”. You must do in-depth research on your niche and stay up-to-date about the latest trends. You must be aware of the activities that are performed by influencers to maintain their brand value in the market. As an aspiring writer, you must address the issues raised by readers. Your blog should not be all about yourself, rather it should showcase your expertise as a problem solver.

Moreover, it is mandatory to stick to one niche. If you post content other than your niche, your readers will think that you are confused or have lost your focus. This the reason you must concentrate on one niche to establish yourself as a trustworthy brand. This will also increase your organic reach. You will gain more followers based on your content. After a while, you can dig a little deeper into your subject and make your transition to micro-niche. This is when you move from a “generalist”  zone to the “specialist” zone. Suppose your hobby is gardening and you have made up your mind to start your blog on this niche. Your expertise and knowledge will encourage several people to cultivate a beautiful garden or encourage organic farming to grow fruits and vegetables.

2. Start a Blog

Now that you have discovered your niche, it is time to start your blog. You can choose any blogging platform that suits your requirements. Some of these popular platforms are WordPress, Medium, HubPages, Wix and Blogger. There are different types of themes and features available on these sites, you can select the one that matches your niche. Once you have finished doing the setup, you should now focus on the content you will be providing to your potential readers. Maintain a calendar to keep track of your articles and set deadlines to publish and promote them on social media platforms at regular time intervals. This is how you will keep your readers engaged by creating a portfolio for your brand.

3. Generate an Interesting Hook for your Articles

Readers have a short attention span when it comes to reading textual information. They don’t read your article, they can it. A title is the first thing that captures their attention. It is similar to the headline of a newspaper displayed in bold letters. You must write long-tailed keywords to attract the attention of your readers. For example, instead of writing “ Tourist Attractions in Bhopal”, your title should read “ 10 Most Popular Tourist Attractions you Must Visit in Bhopal”.

You should take some time to perform thorough research on your article titles. Choose powerful adjectives to generate curiosity in the minds of your readers. To write a high-quality article, you must include the following elements:

– An eye-catching article title.

– A summary that gives a brief description of your article.

– An introduction that will convey detailed information you will be providing to your readers.

– A body that includes sublevel headings in the form of a listicle. Explaining your knowledge pointwise will not only add clarity to your article but also help you stay connected with your message. Add “call-out” widgets to highlight important points. You can also narrate your story through your photographs and videos. It attracts organic traffic.

– A conclusion to sum up your points mentioned in the body. A stellar article is incomplete without a strong call to action (Call To Action) that compels your readers to take action. You can add some quizzes and polls to make their reading experience more interactive. Encourage them to post comments and doubts regarding your article. Write replies to their queries to form a strong bond with your readers.

All these elements form the skeleton of a high-quality article. They must keep your readers hooked from start to finish. 

4. Write for your Audience

This will help you to create a unique brand to a great extent. First and foremost, you must write to understand the pain points of your readers by solving their problems. Their comments are a great source of inspiration, so answer them and promise to deliver the information they are searching for. You can create more content through the comments on your articles. You must know your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that sets you apart from your competitors. You can do this by going one step ahead to offer services that only you can provide to your readers.

5. Edit and Proofread your Articles

You should edit and proofread your articles before hitting the “Publish” button. Look out for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in your sentences. Minor mistakes will spoil your hard work and your readers may switch to reading other people’s articles. The following points must be taken into consideration while editing your articles: –

– Check for misplaced punctuation marks as they can badly affect the readability and flow of your article.

– Avoid repetition of words. Your readers will get bored and you will not receive expected traffic to your articles.

– Explain your point in simple words instead of using complex jargon. 

Apart from being a writer, you can also create a brand as a proficient copy editor. You can offer your services to the clients for editing and earn a good income.

6. Promote your Articles on Social Media Platforms

After giving the final touches and publishing your article on blogging sites, it is time for maximum brand exposure. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn have several groups and communities where you can create a powerful brand for yourself. Join communities based on your niche and observe the activities happening there. You will gain insights from like-minded people and get a chance to show off your problem-solving abilities. Give a brief description of your article along with the link to drive traffic. Moreover, you will also find more ideas for your upcoming articles.

Platforms such as Quora and Reddit will also help you to strengthen your brand presence. You can post answers to people’s queries and drop a link to your article for detailed information. In this way, your articles will receive maximum traffic from different sources.

7. Learn SEO Skills

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy that ranks your articles higher in Google search engines. You must use powerful keywords that sound relevant to your article. But never overstuff your articles with keywords or you might end up being penalized by Google. As your articles rank higher in search engine results, you will start building authority and level up your brand game.

8. Launch your Website

When your articles start getting more traffic, it is the perfect time to monetize your blog. Apply to Google AdSense to start earning through your portfolio. You can also launch your website and opt for self-hosting. The incoming traffic that was generated through your articles will provide you a stable income. You could start for free and then choose plans for self-hosting as per your budget. When you launch your website, you can offer more services to your customers (loyal readers) through courses and ebooks.


To sum up, if you have an idea in your mind that has the power to inspire many lives in a beautiful way, you must share your knowledge. There are several people out there waiting for their questions to be answered and your blog/website can serve that purpose. Once you understand the pain points of your audience and work hard to solve their problems, you have already paved your way to becoming a powerful brand.

So, what are you waiting for? Convey your message to the world and become a successful brand in your selected niche. Also, let me know about your branding strategy in the comment section below.

#writing #aspiringwriters #brand #contentwriting #rishakhan #digitalwritopreneur 

Written by: Risha Khan, Digital Writopreneur. 


This post was modified 3 years ago by Risha Khan

Risha Khan
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Posts: 131

5 Important Skills you need to become a Successful Content Marketer

Summary: Are you aware of the term “content marketing”? Do you know what it takes to become a content marketer? If you are looking for answers, then this article is here to solve all your doubts to become a successful content marketer.


The term “content marketing” refers to the creation and distribution of content (blogs, infographics and videos) to generate interest in the minds of a specific group of customers to take action. The objective is to convince your customers to use the products and services of a certain brand. To become a successful content, you need to be acquired with the following skills: –

1. Research and Planning Skills: Research is carried out through different stages of content marketing. In the beginning, polls and surveys are conducted to find out who will be using their brand’s products and services. This includes details such as age, gender, ethnicity and demographics. Suppose your brand manufactures food items for babies with age starting from newborn babies to 5-year-old kids. Your research will comprise of the following points: –

  • Your target audience could be expecting mothers, first-time mothers and those having toddlers.
  • You also have to understand their needs and demands. Say, ingredients present in your brands should fulfill your audience’s criteria.
  • Most mothers will refrain from buying food items that have refined flour in them. It is quite unhealthy because it has no nutritional value and gets stuck in the intestine walls. It could lead to irritating behavior in kids and babies which is a major concern for mothers.
  • Brands then have to look for a healthy substitute for baby food items by observing reviews and case studies.

Regarding content planning, marketers should create a strategy that meets the requirement of their target audience. Content could be any combination of text, images and videos to attract the interests of the audience. There are many software applications such as Photoshop and Canva for designing and planning content. As a content marketer, you should create plans in a consistent manner for better engagement.

2. Content Creation Skills: Writing blogs and social media posts is a great way to grab the attention of your audience. It requires years of patience and practice to write compelling posts. This is true for copywriting as well. The audience has a short attention span while reading textual content; they don’t read, they scan it. Therefore, it is mandatory to create a sales copy that has the power to grab the audience’s attention in a short time through impactful words. This is what copywriting is all about:

  • Creating awareness about the product and services through visually appealing designs and informative content.
  • Generating interest and desire in the minds of your target audience to buy the product that will solve their problems.
  • Encouraging them to take action by giving enticing discounts and offers that are only available for a limited period.  At the same time, you also have to convince them by stating that only your brand can solve their problems or they will be at loss.

3. Editing Skills: To showcase your expertise as a content marketer, your content should be free from any grammatical errors. You must edit and proofread your content before publishing it on blogging sites and social media platforms. It is mandatory to have a good command of grammar as it shows that you are dedicated to providing value to your customers. If there are some minor mistakes in your content, your audience will probably think that if you are not serious about your services, how can I trust you? You can either do editing on your own or hire an expert at it. Your hard work should display your determination and dedication toward your goals.

4. Content Promotion Skills: After planning, creating and editing your content, it is time to present your products and services in the marketing industry. You can promote your content on blogging sites and social media platforms in the form of animated images and short videos. If it catches their interest and you make them believe that your products can make their lives easier, they will visit your website and social media accounts. This is when your brand receives maximum exposure as they explore your content. When they are convinced about the services provided by you and finally buy your product, this is how you convert your visitors into leads and then into loyal customers.

As a content marketer, you cannot ignore the power of sales funnels implemented in digital marketing. Let’s take an example. You have designed a course on creative writing and you want to sell it to your audience. How will you do that?

  • You should build Google authority by ranking your content higher on search engines. Your authentic content is proof enough that you have gained authority. Your blog posts will attract your readers’ attention when they visit your website.
  • You would offer them a free e-book when they type their e-mail address by subscribing to your newsletter. This is the power of e-mail marketing. Once they confirm their e-mail address, you will send them the free e-book to download.
  • Tell your success story through a short video and explain how you can also achieve this success.
  • You will introduce the structure of your course at a good discount (like an “early bird offer”) so that your audience can easily afford it.  

This is how e-mail marketing works. You can also create a community or tribe of like-minded people like Digital Writopreneurs’ Hub. Influencers can also be a great helping hand for promoting content on social media platforms.

5. SEO Skills: If you want your content to rank higher in search engine results, you must highlight keywords that are relevant to your website, products and services. You can do this by observing the current trends happening in your niche market and social media accounts of the influencers who are actively participating in those trends. You have to look at the keywords that are trending on top and use them on your site.

On-page SEO refers to the activities occurring in your website which are then rendered by search engines to rank higher. Choose your keywords wisely and avoid keyword stuffing at all costs. Too much of anything is not good, right?


Now you are aware of all the skills that a content marketer to level up your brand presence. You must also know how to analyze your data through tools like Google Analytics. Through this tool, you can measure the organic reach and performance of your content. If some of your blog posts have performed well, you can analyze and use that content to your advantage.

Being a content marketer, you should know about the sales funnel used by several companies and influencers. This how you and your brands will make their presence in the market. Your knowledge and expertise can help many people fulfill their dreams.

So, don’t just sit back and wait for your brand on its own. You must work smart to reach our target audience, become a problem-solver and live the life of your dreams. What are your thoughts on this article? Feel free to share your views and ask your doubts in the comment section.

#contentmarketer #contentwriter #planning #promotion #contentcreation #seo #rishakhan #digitalwritopreneur

Written by: Risha Khan, Digital Writopreneur.

Risha Khan
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Posts: 131

Why it is Important for Indian BPO Employees to Enhance their Writing Skills?

Summary: Are you working in an Indian business process outsourcing company? Do you find it difficult to write e-mails to your clients and senior management due to poor writing skills? What follows are five important reasons to enhance your writing skills.


There is a great demand for BPO and KPO employees in India. They are hired to attend inbound and outbound calls to explain the products and services of a foreign country to overseas clients. They are also required to handle grievance calls of customers who have purchased products from the company and provide immediate technical support.

The whole process is outsourced by multinational corporations to Indian organizations that hire employees to provide fast and accurate services.

These outsourcing companies provide soft skills and accent neutralization training. Besides this, another important aspect that is often missed is writing skill enhancement. In the day-to-day office activities, they need to interact with clients as well as senior management by writing emails. This is the reason why BPO and KPO employees need to enhance their writing skills.

What follows are the five important reasons:

  1. Introduction of Artificial Intelligence:

Post pandemic, many MNCs have moved from human voice interaction to machine voice interaction using artificial intelligence for cutting cost, optimization of cost. It has resulted in many people being laid off from the BPO Industry.

In the above circumstances, the employee who has to listen and speaking skills can develop writing skills to start a new career in copywriting, editing, listening and development platform which is gaining momentum even during the pandemic situation.

  1. Development of Additional Skillset:

Any skill set we develop like writing powerful impactful influential sentences will add value to the candidate to move to the different industries.

  1. More Avenues to Explore:

Initially, BPO and KPO were only outsourced from India but today since the Standard of English of Indian people has reached global standards high paid jobs like knowledge process, Engineering process, technical writing and content writing are also being outsourced. BPO has started to focus on recruitment and selection of qualified, Experience and skilled people to make their business successful.

  1. Expectations of Prospective Employers:

Good writing skills are something each and every organization is lacking forward from prospective employees. It helps us to land our dream jobs and help us to reach our short-term and long-term career goals. Good writing skills help us to communicate and express ourselves to the management we intended to manage more clear and precisely and thereby stand out compared to the rest. It allows us to communicate better. People who develop good writing skills can communicate much better at their workplace we can strongly put forward their views and opinion to their managers.

  1. Our Credibility in our Organization Improves:

By developing good writing skills we can showcase ourselves as an expert in our areas of operations. We can write flawless emails without any grammatical errors to our inside stakeholders and our clients.

Writing skills can also generate an active and passive income when we start writing articles a passion in professional blogging sites and also help to connect with like-minded people with the growth mindset by Networking through professional networking sites like Linked In, Quora and Site(HR) Fiverr.

We can also create a royalty-need income band on featured articles published on professional sites. We can develop traffic to our Article by writing on our niche topic which will help to expand our horizons across countries through various digital platforms.


Developing writing skills not only adds value to our profile but also helps us to enjoy financial freedom and crave our brand in the later stages of our careers. To become our won digital entrepreneur and digital coach.

If the above article adds value to readers kindly comment below this would help me to research a lot on the above topic and to share my findings and insights also.

#importanceofwriting #writing #bpoemployees #vaidyanathanramaswamy #digitalwritopreneur

Written by: Vaidyanathan Ramasamy, Digital Writopreneur.

Edited by: Rajinder Soni, CEO of Digital Writopreneurs Hub

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10 steps to become an impactful and quality writer and start earning

Have you just finished your studies and awaiting for the results? Are you desirous of becoming a writer and start earning? Then, following are the 10steps to attain this goal and forget your worries to search for a job.

Many people do not know, that, writing is also coming under the category of jobs. It is,from time immemorial, considered as a hobby, that does not bring-in any monetary benefits. Now, there are, lot of opportunities for writers. You can choose the profession of writing and become a quality article writer, blogger, copywriter, digital marketer, editor, commentator, reviewminer, book writer, technical writer and transcriptionist.For the purpose of earning money, you can work as a freelance writer, work on part-time or full-time projects, work in big companies/ corporations/other establishments, work on contracts and work for books projects. On completion of the assigned work, your work output will be evaluated for acceptance.

If the work is accepted, payment will be released by calculating the amount at per word rate or at hourly rate. Monthly salary or lumpsum amount or per page rate are other options. Therefore, you can attend to the steps described below.

Ensure proficiency in English language : Writing in English does not empower you automatically. A very good English grammar knowledge,application mind and presentation ability will be the main requirements to enter into the doorstep of writing arena.

Pre-hand knowledge about writing:
Initially, you will be in a state of unrest to cope- up with writing . Nowadays, many websites give a fair idea about writing techniques, usage of keywords, the ways by which your writing ability can be improved, the future of writing industry and so on. This basic knowledge will embolden you to get into writing field.

Reputed institutional training:
As a brand new person to the writing profession, institutional training is a must for you. You need to learn the intricacies and techniques of writing. The training institute will make you to understand the concepts,misconceptions and components of articles.Therefore, you can identify reputed institutions by browsing into various websites. Digital Writopreneurs Hub&Academy at Newdelhi is one among those reputed institutions offering online practical training at an affordable fee.

Passing boot camp challenge:
Every training institution has a fixed period of training called “ boot-camp-challenge “and it’s passing depends on your ability to write articles of your own, in a structured format without grammatical errors and your presenting skill. During the training period, you will be given a thorough training on structure of articles, framing title, summary, introduction, body contents and conclusion.

Opting for the suitable role:
As categorised in the introductory paragraph, you should weigh your abilities and capacities with reference to each job category requirements and choose the right one to fit you well. This can be done in consultation with the institute. You should acquire the skill to write in various styles such as narrative, descriptive, persuasive, expository and creative styles. Ultimately, you should be a specialist and a successful writer.

Practice of writing :
You cannot be complacent with the passing of boot camp. You should do rigorous practice of writing articles every day and get it edited by the reputed editors of the Institute or various freelance editors or editors in the market. This regular practice will prune your writing ability.

Writing microniches:
Niche is the broad segments of the market such as business, health and fitness, education etc., The microniche is the one derived from niche for specific business offering, having lesser number of competitors. Therefore, writing microniche will earn much attention and differentiate you from the other writers.

Uploading your articles in google and social media:
The writing skill acquired will stimulate your intuition to move-up. You publish your article in your institute’s platform. If, on evaluation, found fit, the article may then be published in the
google’s hub-pages platform . Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and what’s app can also be utilised to publish. The value you gain from these platforms, will create a brand for your writings.

Self branding :
Trials and tribulations pave way for your consistent development. Meteoric rise is ruled out. Your writings are evaluated by your friends, relatives, cross- sectional groups, writers groups and social media groups. If your articles merit consideration, in the audience’s and fellow-writers’ angle, then these articles get the recognition. When you are known to the writing communities and the target-audience groups, your brand gets sustenance.

Google authority:
Google is a versatile platform , where the profiles of able and proven writers are getting published. Google is having its own standards to verify before publishing. It is a world-wide platform and it’s authority is very valuable . Your profile will be published in google along with your articles once the google accepts your writing calibre.

Uploading of the profile in linked-in platform:
Now, you have acquired the brand and the google authority. You can upload your profile in the Linked-in platform and other social platforms which will flash your profile to the millions of its base. By this way, you become famous and you are identified for engaging in writing projects.

Earnings confirmed:
The business world gets to know of your name and profile and your brand with the google authority. They start giving you the work. They evaluate your work for its acceptance and adaptability. The usefulness of your product commands value and the users are prepared to pay any amount of price and continue their relationship for a long time.

Trimming of your product as a continuous process:
You develop your skills by routine and regular practice of writing; You go through the articles and the articles of other writers and appreciate its nature, contents, lay-out, presentation and orientation. The best and impactful ones may be got familiarised . By this way, trimming your product becomes possible and it is most likely that your clients admire and extend their support.

Efforting for versatility:
Writing is not that much easy. It needs elaborate preparations such as reading, investigating, collecting authenticated statistics and proofs and even studying at factory sites. Such efforts will make you, to become a versatile writer.

The goal set by you, is to become a successful and impactful writer and earn money for your living. Achievement of this goal has been advised, by proper learning of grammar, acquiring writing skills through institutional training, practising daily writings, specialising in a particular writing-avocation, adhering to branding techniques, acquiring google authority, social media publicity and continuous updation of domain knowledge.

If you take-up this challenge in right spirit and act swiftly, there cannot be an iota of doubt to reach the desired goal in great speed. Therefore, your sincere learning, updating, reviewing, and master minding with creative and cleverly word play is warranted through this article. The willingness and involvement will greatly help you to become a versatile writer thereby attracting the big clientele and extend the vista of your operation. The outcome and results will be spectacular and money will not be a restricting factor. Money will pour like anything and it will be unimaginable and limitless.

If you like this article, you can furnish your valuable comments either in the affirmative or in the negative so that it will be taken care of, for covering in my next article relating to this subject. If you want to have further readings you can browse the websites meant for “Writing skills”. If you are happy with the contents of this article, you can refer to your friends and social media groups like what’s app groups, linked- in groups, Facebook and google groups so that my article can be evaluated by them and commented upon.

#Writing# writer# Duraipandy chelliah#DWH&A#Rajindersoni#

Article written by Duraipandy chelliah, DWH&A Newdelhi

Duraipandy Chelliah

Risha Khan
Estimable Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 131

@duraipandychelliah Sir, great article!!! We have read your reviews and it is a great pleasure to read your articles on writing. We are proud to have you with us!!!


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