Is Female solo back…
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[Sticky] Is Female solo backpacking safe in India?

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Backpacking is a well-known concept used by passionate travellers since a long time, mostly in the European, American countries and now gaining popularity in Asian countries including India. Though this concept is being widely used in recent years to gain a sense of freedom and independence over planning trips with friends or family members, we can see that the number of females choosing solo backpacking for travelling is quite minimal. It is not that our Indian girls do not show interest in choosing to be solo backpackers, in fact, they are quite fascinated with this concept. Who wouldn’t? Especially, if an individual loves travelling and doesn’t have to depend on any friend or family members to join as per their suitable schedule, one would not hesitate to plan such trips, right? But what about the safety assurance.

Safety issues have been a frequent topic of discussion not only in India but also everywhere in the world. The question here is, is a female safe within her own four walls, her own locality when she steps out or even her own city? Females have strong intuitive powers, if they use this power mindfully, they can use it for their own safety, to read their gut feelings when their sixth sense sends strong signals of “beware” before trusting a stranger, or even venturing out alone in several places. 

Additionally, there are certain ways and steps every female backpacker should follow not only to be safe but to make great friends so that she can travel and explore her dream destinations and locations with these newly made co-travellers. Simple way is to choose staying in hostels instead of a hotel where there is a large scope of having other solo female travellers in the same room. This opens the door for knowing others, their background, their travel plans and itinerary and thereby grabbing this golden opportunity to have good company to travel and not develop a fear of being alone.

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by RekhaK

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Examples of Different Article Titles

Author’s version: Is Female Solo Backpacking Safe in India?

1. Discussion Type Title: Solo Female Travel in India — Is India Safe?

2. Listicle Type Title: 7 Safety Tips for Solo Female Backpackers

3. Interview Type Title: Interview with Rekha – The Solo Backpacker

4. Listicle: 11 Hygiene Tips for Solo Female Backpackers

Summary: Are you a working woman thinking about your first solo trip in India? Are you concerned about your safety while on the trip? If yes, then you don’t have to worry as through this article you are going to get some practical tips from an experienced solo female traveler.

Introduction: According to recent research, backpackers are happier than people who spend most of their time at home. Backpacking is a well-known concept used by passionate travelers for a long time, mostly in the European and American countries. Now it is gaining a lot of popularity in Asian countries including India. It is being widely used in recent years to gain a sense of freedom and independence.  Backpacking is becoming a preferred choice as compared to planning trips with friends or family members where you are stuck with each individual’s personal schedule. But still, we can see that the number of females choosing solo backpacking is quite minimal. Indian girls show a lot of interest in choosing to be solo backpackers and in fact, they are quite fascinated by this concept. But there are several restrictions from the family members due to the safety issues.  Safety issues have been a frequent topic of discussion not only in India but also everywhere in the world. But now the question is that is a female safe within her own four walls? Is she safe in her own locality when she steps out or even her own city? Females have strong intuitive powers and if they will use this power mindfully, they can use it for their own safety. The following tips are going to help you as a solo backpacker:

  1. To read their gut feelings when their sixth sense sends strong signals of “beware” before trusting a stranger.
  2. To not venture out alone to secluded places.
  3. Instead of choosing a separate hotel room for accommodation, you can stay in a hostel.
  4. Make trusted friends so that you can travel and explore your dream destinations without hesitation.
  5. Do not give your weak points to strangers
  6. Always beware of overcaring and over-enthusiastic people who always say ‘cool’ and ‘let us chill out’.

Additionally, there are certain ways and steps every female backpacker should follow not only to be safe but to. A simple way is to choose to stay in hostels instead of a hotel where there is a large scope of having other solo female travelers in the same room. This opens the door for knowing others, their background, their travel plans, and itinerary and thereby grabbing this golden opportunity to have a good company to travel and not develop a fear of being alone.

Myths about solo backpacking

Facts that only backpackers know

A personal story:  Suppose you have been to Kheerganga so add a map of reaching this destination in your article. The map should start from A as a metropolitan city.


Hilarious moment


Thrilling 100 times better

Conclusion: You need to sum up everything you have covered in your article. You need to add a call to action over here. Tell your readers to write about their exciting solo backpacking trip. If they are thinking about going on their first trip, tell them to ask questions or doubts from you and you will answer each question in the reply.

Rajinder Soni, CEO
Digital Writopreneurs Hub

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Posts: 185

All writers who have missed today’s session can watch the YouTube Premiere here

Article’s Title: How to Write a Solo Backpacking Article?

YouTube Video Link:

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Rajinder Soni, CEO
Digital Writopreneurs Hub


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