Dear Sir, As discus…
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Dear Sir, As discussed in yesterday's meeting I am trying to write an article. Please find below the crude and rough paragraph I tried. please check and suggest correction

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Covid-19 Vaccine – A Ray of Hope.
Covid-19 or Coronavirus is the most buzzing word nowadays. Entire globe is caught under the grip of this dreadful and mysterious invisible particle. The most developed nations like the US, UK, Germany, Italy, France which were having top-class medical facilities also shattered due to a bulging number of deaths.
Till mid-2020, imposing lockdowns, following physical distancing, frequent hand sanitization, and wearing masks were the only ways to avoid the spread of Coronavirus. Several scientists and pharmaceutical companies were working hard to invent the remedy for this disaster. The only ray of hope in this grim situation is the invention of the vaccine.
There comes since March 2020 the front leaders of Pharmaceutical sectors like Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna ramped up the campaign for producing vaccines on Coronavirus.

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Hi Amol Joshi,

You have started the article really well and this is a great achievement for an aspiring writer. But it was not structured. I have edited your article’s text and modified it for you so you can develop it further. I hope this will help you in moving forward on your writer’s journey. Good luck.

Article Title: Is Covid-19 Vaccine A Real Ray of Hope?

Article Summary: This month, the leaders of the pharmaceutical industry have claimed that their vaccines are 95% effective, but do you think that this is true. What is the real picture? What is happening behind the scenes? If a vaccine is released in your area, are you ready to be the first volunteer to receive it? What about the various side effects? Let us discuss all these important points in this article.

Article Introduction: Nowadays, Covid-19 or coronavirus is a buzzing word. The entire world population is under the grip of this dreadful and mysterious invisible virus. United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and France that were once considered as nations with top-class medical facilities have shattered with several deaths reported.

Article body: Until today, the only ways to avoid the spread of coronavirus were imposing lockdowns, following physical distancing, frequent hand sanitization, and wearing masks. Several scientists and pharmaceutical companies are working hard to invent the remedy for this disaster. The only ray of hope in this grim situation is the invention of a reliable vaccine. Although many coronavirus vaccines have been already developed and several clinical trials have been conducted, the pharmaceutical giants of the world, such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna have ramped up the campaign to produce millions of doses.

Level Headings:

Side Effects or Efficacy of Vaccines

Are You Confident to Receive the First Dose?

What if you Still Acquire the Virus?

Conclusion: Sum up here and add a call-to-action.

Rajinder Soni, CEO
Digital Writopreneurs Hub

Amol Joshi
 Amol Joshi
(@Amol Joshi)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3

Dear sir,
Thank you so much for your valuable guidance.Your technical inputs will help me to learn the basics of the writing. As a beginner, it will be an exciting journey of learning under your guidance.I am fortunate to have a great mentor like you and i am sure i will learn all the basics of writing with your support.
Further, I will work on the structure of an article.
Thanks once again.

Member Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 185

@Amol Joshi welcome and please go to the Digital Writopreneus Model course and watch this session

Instructions for New Batch of Writopreneurs (42 minutes)

While watching this, you will learn how to:

1. Structure your article

2. Develop your first draft properly

3. Edit and proofread your content

Rajinder Soni, CEO
Digital Writopreneurs Hub


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