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Goal Setting for Life

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Hello Aspiring writers,

 All the topics related to Goal setting and its sub-niches, such as

  • Personal goals,
  • Financial goals,
  • Life goals,
  • Spiritual goals, etc. will be shared in this thread.
This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by RAVINDER

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Title: 7 Key Points to Set Goals in Life


Goals are the timebound actions that lead to a particular target. It can be personal, professional, spiritual, intellectual, social, and financial goals. Once we write the dreams on paper with its deadline to achieve, they become our goals and we will achieve those goals one day for sure.

Goal setting is an important method for:

  • Mission and vision of your life that you want to achieve.
  • It prioritizes the tasks based on their importance.
  • It keeps you motivated.
  • It builds your self-confidence and high self-esteem based on the achievement of goals.
  • Create a new and better version of yourself.

Goals may be short-term or long-term. The only thing matter is the presence of goals in one’s life. Otherwise, life will be like a journey without a destination. So why roam around without any goal. Have a glimpse of the following points on how to set goals in one’s life.

Process of Setting the Goals

  • First, there is a need to create a big picture of what you want to do in your life.
  • Then, bifurcate these goals into long-term and short-term goals.
  • Break down these goals into smaller targets.
  • Prepare the plan to achieve these smaller targets.
  • Plans can be daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

Tips to Set the Goals:

  1. Positive Statement: The only important thing is to stay positive to express your life goals. I am unique and will become a motivational speaker and coach in the next three months is an example of setting life goals in a positive statement.
  2. Write Down Goals: It will encourage and motivates you to move on and focus your all energy on your goals. Your consistent and persistent efforts will result in real achievement.
  3. Set Priorities: When you have several goals, give each a priority. This helps you to avoid feeling overwhelmed by having too many goals and helps to direct your attention to the most important ones.
  4. Precise Goals: It is recommended to assign dates to your goals and to put persistent efforts during that period. It will lead you to its achievement and a great sense of satisfaction.
  5. Divide Goals Into Small Targets: It is best to divide the goals into small and achievable targets. Small and incremental goals will give more opportunities for reward. Otherwise, if your goals are large ones then it will seem that you are not making any progress in their achievement.
  6. Set Performance Goals: You should take care to set goals over which you have as much control as possible. It can be quite disheartening to fail to achieve a personal goal for reasons beyond your control.

Key Points to Consider:

  1. Set Your Smarter Goals:
S-Specific Goals
M-Measurable Goals
A-Achievable Goals
R-Realistic Goals
T-Time-Bound Goals
E-Evaluate Goals
R-Revise Goals
  1. Believe in your abilities will push you to work towards the goals.
  2. Always stick to your goals.
  3. Stop Procrastinating as it will delay the timing of your success.
  4. Create a system to follow the process to execute the plan you prepare to achieve your goals.
  5. Take responsibility for your tasks and results.
  6. Always reward yourself even if you achieve short-term targets. It will give you a greater sense of achievement.

My Personal Story: I would love to share my story of goal setting. I am following this process since my college days. Time will change your student life will be over, your goals will change but the process to set these goals will never change. Even after the college days, I started my daily to-do list to manage the time effectively to achieve the targets. The only thing matters are your persistent efforts to achieve the goals.

Conclusion: Goals with deadlines are sure-shot achievable otherwise our minds will procrastinate. So, there is a need to set your lifetime goals first. Make consistent efforts to keep the process going by reviewing your goals from time to time. The most important thing is that once you will start achieving your targets, you will enjoy the process of setting and achieving goals. If you don’t set goals, do so, start now, and see a new change in yourself. As you make this a part of your daily life, you’ll find your career on fast-track, life more energetic, and you’ll wonder how you did it. I would love to hear from you about your experiences of setting goals for your life. Please post your experiences in the comment box.

Other articles links:

8 Life-Changing Tips to Live Better

Soft Skills in Corporates

7 Powerful Twists to Enhance your Personality

5 Key Areas for Strong Foundation for Success

Tips for Becoming a New You with Meditation

Written by: Ravinder Kaur, Digitalwritopreneur and a homemaker turned author.

#goalsetting #mission #bestdecisions #rajindersoni #ravinderkaur #digitalwritopreneurshub

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by RAVINDER

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Self Discipline: A Vital Component for Goal Setting

Summary: Self-discipline and goal setting are correlated. How self-discipline plays an important role in achieving the goals? What are the effective ways to discipline yourself?

Introduction: Self-discipline is extremely important for a healthier and productive life. Self-discipline is the process of what you want to achieve and how to achieve that goal.  It is the planning of consistent efforts towards the goals of your life that helps to form new and unique habits to achieve the objectives of your life. It is one of the vital components of goal setting. It acts as a bridge between life goals and life accomplishments. Without self-discipline in one’s life, success is impossible. One should observe discipline in the minutest things. Good habits are the mark of discipline. Daily habits can either create you or destroy you. It is of utmost importance to discipline yourself to achieve the goals of life. Here are the 8 effective ways to discipline yourself.

8 Effective Ways to Discipline Yourself

  1. Acknowledge Your Weaknesses: It is important to know about your strengths but more important is to understand your weakness. There is an immense need to work on these weaknesses to discipline yourself
  2. Define Your Life Goals: Life is nothing without a goal, in the same way, the journey without the destination. So keep in mind what you want to achieve in life. It must be written on paper with the deadlines. As deadlines will push you to discipline yourself to move ahead and put efforts
  3. Always Start With Small Goals: Setting big goals is another challenge for all. It is recommended to start with small goals with deadlines. Once goals are written on paper with a pen they become certain to achieve. Achievement of small goals creates a great sense of confidence.
  4. Remove The Temptations: If you want to discipline yourself then first there is a need to focus on your eating habits. Once you will be healthy and fit then you can achieve anything your mind can conceive. Avoid junk foods and adopt healthy eating habits will create a drastic change in you. Breaking the old habits and adopting the new ones need a great mindset and your attitude to change them.
  5. Always Remember That You Are In Charge Of Your Life: Life is a wonderful creation of Almighty. We must have full control of our life. After all, it’s your life, so paint it with vibrant colours to create a beautiful canvas.
  6. Always Plan Ahead: Plans are the techniques that are used to achieve those goals. Plans can be short-term or long-term. It depends on the mission and vision of your life. But the only thing we need here is to have a consistent plan with proper deadlines and processes.
  7. Reward Yourself: There is a need to reward yourself when you achieve even your small targets. Rewards and recognition will help you to set your goals higher than before. It will boost your confidence to try out new things and not to stop till you achieve them.
  8. Don’t Be Afraid To Fail: Failure is an important ingredient of success. If you have not tasted the failure in your life then you can not enjoy your success. There is nothing like a failure either you win or you learn something new. So don’t afraid to fail. You are going to learn something new from the daily efforts you put into your goals.

My Personal Story: I want to share my experience with the power of self-discipline. Earlier I was a night person, one day I was reading “The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma” then I get to know the benefits of joining the 5 AM Club. The life-changing habits discipline our life and inspire us to do something unique. Count your blessings in the morning time will fill you with positivity and as you write them in gratitude journal as your daily habit. It will fill your whole day with a new wave of positivity.  I know it is very difficult to change old habits and replacing them with new and positive ones.  Your ‘day one or one day’ attitude will create a new change in you.

Conclusion: Discipline costs nothing but pays a lot in long run. The only thing matter here is when you start to discipline yourself. To see the impact in life, never underestimate the power of discipline. It comes naturally and from within or we can say it is self-imposed rather than forcing one. I hope this article will be beneficial for all to discipline themselves. Then why waste time in deciding rather than start disciplining yourself and see a new you soon. I would love to hear from you all in the comment box.

Other articles links:

8 Life-Changing Tips to Live Better

Soft Skills in Corporates

7 Powerful Twists to Enhance your Personality

5 Key Areas for Strong Foundation for Success

13 Effective Tips for a New “You” through Meditation

Written by: Ravinder Kaur, Digitalwritopreneur and a homemaker turned author.

#selfdiscipline #goalsetting  #bestdecisions #rajindersoni #ravinderkaur #digitalwritopreneurshub


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Very informative article

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@Amol Joshi, thanks for sparing your precious time to read my articles.

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Article Title: Role of Positive Affirmations on Goal-Setting

Summary: Are positive affirmations important for goal setting? How do they help to set goals in life? How to create positive affirmations in life that help you to reach the goals?

Introduction: Positive affirmations are important ways to manifest your dreams. When you use daily positive affirmations for reminding yourself about your goals, it keeps your goals right where they should be that is in your mind. To achieve goals one of the important factors is to be aware of your goals at all times and do all the little and consistent efforts towards achieving your goals. You will create your luck through positive affirmations, goal setting, and self-improvement when you will set long-term goals.

Importance of Positive Affirmations: The winners used to remain busy and actively working toward achieving their long-term goals through positive affirmations. Average people put in as little effort and contribution to their goals as they can and hoping for a lucky break. Winners always realize their success through hard work, goal setting, and self-improvement. On the other hand, Average people always attribute their failures to bad luck.

Unique Formula for Setting Positive Affirmations: Positive affirmations are the statement that charges your mind with positivity. Once you adopt in your daily life, you will see a drastic change in you in a short period. Follow these steps to set positive affirmations for setting your goals:

  1. The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is to add “ I am ” at the beginning of the goal affirmation statements.
  2. Then add an action-oriented verb to motivate your mind.
  3. There is a need to design the affirmations statements in the present tense only. It will give the immense feeling of achievement in reality.
  4. Affirmations should be easy to speak and remember.

Some of the Positive Affirmations to Adopt in Daily Life are:

  • I am focusing on opportunities and ways to achieve my goals.
  • Nothing is holding me back between me and my goals.
  • I am living a life of success and achievement.
  • I am born to succeed in life.
  • I celebrate success and learn from the failures of life.  
  • Today, I am starting my journey the first small step toward achieving my goals.
  • I am on a journey of success and will not stop till I reach my destination.
  • I believe in my ability to get what I want out of life.
  • There is nothing I can’t do.
  • I have unlimited potential.
  • I accomplish my tasks on time.
  • I am on the right track towards success.
  • Visualizing my goals has become a daily habit.

Positive Affirmations should be that is correlated to your goals in life. Words you use in affirmations should be powerful enough that motivate you on regular basis. Words have great power to create a unique personality. It depends on you what you use for yourself. “Day one or one day,” One day will never come and you need to start today and make it your “day one” of your success journey.

Personal Story: Everyone has a unique story to express. The only force behind our success is our mindset. Mindset is the composition of your daily habits, thoughts, and ideas. Once you change your daily habits, your mindset will charge itself with positivity. The most important thing I used to speak to myself in the morning is that I got another day from Almighty to live and to learn something new. I start my day with a to-do list to manage every hour of my day. At the end of the day, I analyze my daily tasks that were scheduled for the day.

Conclusion: Positive affirmations are the real game-changing statements.  Your success will be largely under your control through goal setting and self-improvement. As you make this a part of your daily life, you’ll find your life and career on fast-track to keep yourself enthusiastic and energetic. Practising goal-setting affirmations is not that much difficult than we think.  Rather it is a constant reminder to yourself that at the end of the day, you are on your path to success. If you start believing in yourself each day as you embark on your daily tasks then positive affirmations will become a sure shot key for you to achieve your business goals on time. Once you will follow then only you will get to know the power of positive affirmations. So start now and see a new change in you. I would love to hear from you about your experiences of adopting positive affirmations in life. Please post your experiences in the comment box.

I have many more posts to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.

 Other articles links:

  1.  8 Life-Changing Tips to Live Better
  2. Soft Skills in Corporates
  3. 7 Powerful Twists to Enhance your Personality
  4. 5 Key Areas for Strong Foundation for Success
  5. 13 Effective Tips for a New “You” through Meditation
  6. 7 Key Points to Set Goals in Life
  7. Self-Discipline: A Vital Component for Goal-Setting

Written by: Ravinder Kaur, A homemaker turned Author and Digitalwritopreneur

#positivity #affirmations #goalsetting #rajindersoni #ravinderkaur #digitalwritopreneurhub

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Title: How to Plan Health Goals to Stay Fit?

Summary: Are you looking for health goals to stay fit? What are you planning to bring change to your life? Mere knowledge is not sufficient, you need to practice the knowledge you have in your life to see a great change in you. We all need to know the benefits of a healthy body.

Introduction: We all plan something to achieve in our life like financial goals, personal goals, and spiritual goals. But usually, forget to focus on our health. We must remember that health is wealth and never ignore health. Good health is vital to perform daily tasks and to remain stress-free throughout life. Designing and implementing the health goals will maximize your life span and you will enjoy life to the fullest.

Here is a list for you to choose from and inspire yourself to transform your life.

  • Nuts: You need to add the nuts to your daily health goals to stay fit. It helps you to sustain the energy level to work without feeling tired. Add almonds, cashew nuts, and raisins in daily diet to keep yourself healthy. It adds protein and omega 3 fatty acids to the body. It keeps your heart and brain super-healthy.
  • Water: Water is a miracle drink. Water has great properties for all living beings. It toxins out the wastage from our body and keep us healthy. You need to start drinking 8-12 glasses of water per day. Drink a lot of water during the daytime but reduce the amount of water intake after the sunset. The only need is to reduce the intake of soda and other packaged drinks and increase the intake of lemon water and coconut water.
  • Home-cooked food: Home-cooked food is another miracle to stay fit. Eating fresh and homecooked food will keep you healthy as it will keep you away from food allergies. It keeps the family together, saves time and money. People who eat more homecooked food consume fewer calories as compared to the people who eat outside food or packaged food.
  • Physical Activity: Physical exercise is another health goal to keep yourself healthy and fit. Blood circulation increases when we keep the body in motion. Morning walk and evening walk should be part of all to stay fit and longevity. We should be consistent with our physical activities to keep our internal and external organs fit and healthy. There are a lot of physical activities like yoga, swimming, weight training, cycling, and other sports-related activities such as badminton, football, cricket, and many outdoor sports.
  • Sleep Goals: Sleep is very important for staying fit. There is a need to take proper sleep of 7-8 hours of sleep in a day to rejuvenate your body. Sleep is vital to mental and physical health same as food and water. You need to avoid electronic gadgets away one hour before you sleep. It will postpone your sleep and disturb your regular sleeping pattern to rejuvenate your body. Having a regular bedtime schedule and stick to it. It will train your body to sleep accordingly. There is a need to schedule a maximum delay of one hour of sleep time on weekends than weekdays.
  • Meditation: Meditation is another tip to stay fit to achieve your health goals. Meditation will help you visualize your goals and will increase focus and concentration to achieve health goals. Meditation helps to stay calm and stable which further helps in emotional health, mental and physical health.
  • Nutrition Goals: You need to focus on the portion you daily have at three intervals. Don’t overeat as well undereat as it will impact your health adversely. When you stay on track with your health goals rather than counting the calories you intake you will follow a healthy lifestyle than the healthy diet plan.
  • Connect With Nature: Nature has an abundance to give. The power of nature can only be realized once you start connecting with nature. It will boost and calm your mind. It relieves stress, tension and improves our physical health.
  • A Daily Walk in the Sunlight: Sunlight has miraculous benefits for the human body. It is a great mood booster. It keeps people feel better and gives them more energy. It provides Vitamin-D to the human body when people walk at noon for less time. Sunlight is a great source of overall improved health.
  • A Regular Body Check-Up: A human body requires a regular checkup to diagnose whether body and mind are fit and healthy. It helps us to assess the risk factors at an early age. A little change in the daily diet can save us from various diseases.
  • Eat Green Vegetables: Green vegetables are rich in fibers, vitamins, and minerals. It protects us from various deadly diseases like Cancer, Heart diseases, Diabetes, and BP. A little change in your eating habits can create a big change in your health goals to stay fit and healthy.
  • Eat Fruits: Fruits of different colors give us different health benefits. Have two to three servings of fruit bowls to keep yourself healthy. Add apple, banana, kiwi, grapes, and orange to your diet. Fruits provide us with antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Self-Care: Self-care is another gesture for self-love. The first thing you can do is to come out of your comfort zone and do something that you love the most. You can visit a place to enjoy your life in the best possible way like Spa and meditation centre. Self-care will improve overall health.

 Usually, we plan everything but ignore the main thing that is health. There is an immense need to design health goals. Good health matters a lot in the achievement of personal, financial, professional spiritual, emotional, and health goals. Wake up folks, design your health goals and stick to them. It will improve you and your personality completely. You will become a confident personality once you start focusing on your health. Start working on your designed health goals consistently and reap the benefits from them. I hope you loved this article. Please share your health goals in the comments so everyone reading this article can get benefit from the article.

Happy Reading!!!!

Happy Living!!!!

Healthy Living!!!!


Written by: Ravinder Kaur, A homemaker turned Author and Digitalwritopreneur

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Title:  17 Rules to Set Goals for Personal Growth

Summary: Do you want to know about personal goals and how to set these goals? Please have a look at this article to know more about the rules of setting personal goals.

Introduction: Human beings are the only creatures in this world who have the brain to analyze their life. They have a lot of dreams and goals to achieve in life. It is important to set smart goals if you want to achieve your dreams and ambitions. If some are not having any goals specific to their life, it means they are working for the achievement of other goals.

Personal growth plays a vital role in the achievement of life goals.  First, there is a need to identify what you want to achieve in your life. Where are you at present and where you want to be in near future? The more precise will be goals, the easier it will be to analyze them. Personal goals can be short-term or long-term, but what matters is the way we set plans for those personal goals. The only difference is the way we achieve those goals will create a unique impact on life.

Rules to Set Goals for Personal Growth:

  1. The first and foremost rule is to love yourself: We all are the unique creation of God. So, love his creation. Start loving yourself then you will get to know the real power of love. Train your mind to love your time, health, thoughts, ideas, and mental peace. Once you start focusing on yourself, you will start improving from that day. The most important thing is to set your personal goals for success. Love the life you have, practice it then you will start observing the life you love.
  2. Practice gratitude in your daily life: When you decided to improve yourself, start practicing gratitude in your routine. As we all have everything in the abundance. We must cultivate the habit of feeling grateful to God that we are in this beautiful universe and have a lot of things like air, water, nature. Earlier you start to learn the power of “thank you”, the earlier you will be stronger, healthier, and happier in every life situation. You will change your perspective to see the other side of the situation. Practicing gratitude leads to amazing results in one’s life. So, start practicing it and improve yourself.
  3. Conquer a fear from your life: There is always a need to reprogram your mind to focus on something new to try to conquer the fear of failing. It could be anything like learning badminton, driving, cycling, scuba diving, river rafting. It only requires courage and conscious efforts towards that activity.
  4. Create good and healthy habits in your life: If you are conditioning your mind to change your habits then your subconscious mind will respond to it. So, change your habits to change your attitude towards life and personal growth. whatever your mind can conceive you can achieve.
  5. Learn something new daily: For personal growth, all that required is to learn something new daily, it may be learning any new art, language, yoga, exercise, or something creative that boost your mind to a newer and higher level.
  6. Make a stranger happy: This is a simple rule of what you sow so shall you reap. In the same way, what you give to others you will get the same multifold in return. So if you want to stay happier than before making others happy without any reason. Compliment someone regarding the things he is wearing or using like his t-shirt, watch, shoes, belt, bike, or car.
  7. Manage your time: Time gone will never come back. There is a need to set goals for your life to manage time effectively. Planning for the day is the most important thing to execute your daily tasks in minimum time and
  8. Help others: Always be a good listener so people could share their feeling with you. Sometimes an active ear can work wonders for others. The only way is to improve yourself is to connect with others and help them to make them happy.
  9. Be an organized person: Organized person plans for everything like to-do list, grocery list, shopping list, budget list as well as the goals list. Try to be open-minded to learn something new daily. Always aim for progress and not perfection. Perfection will come automatically once you start progressing in your life. Every person focuses on personal development. But results depend upon their pace to learn.
  10. Stop complaining: Stop complaining and keep your expectation from others to the lowest level is mandatory to keep yourself happy and healthy. Otherwise, your mind will overthink and you will overanalyze every minute situation to the maximum extent. It is recommended that use your energy for productive tasks where you can see amazing results.
  11. Embrace loneliness: The power of loneliness plays an important role in one’s development. When you stay away from the crowd and conditioned your mind to achieve some goals. It means you are focusing your all energy on your goals. It is always recommended to work hard in silence, and your efforts will create a buzz around the world. So, there is a need to embrace the loneliness and
  12. Stay away from the negativity: There is a need to decide what you want from life. If you want to keep yourselves busy with negativity then there will be no space for life improvement.
  13. Start reading inspirational stuff: Reading is an activity for connecting with like-minded people. Most successful people religiously follow this habit to stay ahead in their life. You must start investing in good books with engaging titles such as “5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki and learn new tips from them to help yourself. Reading will help you to live a hundred lives in a single life.  
  14. Create positive affirmations for yourself: Positive affirmations are the statement that boosts your mind towards your goals as you repeat these on daily in the morning. They give a sense of motivation and encouragement to all. It is proof of optimism. Create a habit of saying positive affirmations daily as “I am the best.”
  15. Create a vision board: It is mandatory to create a list of goals you’d like to achieve. You can use pictures, images from the web that inspires you. Make a collage out of all these images on a bulletin board, wall. You should feel free to get creative to include a picture of yourself in a happy moment. Add motivational and inspiring quotes on the vision board that inspires you. Take a few moments to review your vision board every day, especially when you wake up and before you go to bed.
  16. Daily meditation: Meditation is a physical and mental exercise. It generally involves relaxation, awareness, focus, and concentration of mind. It is usually performed in a sitting position with crossed legs, straight back, closed eyes, and both hands resting on our knees. It needs to be practiced daily if you want to see a change in yourself.
  17. Regular exercise: Exercise is the physical activity that keeps you fit and healthy. It improves your muscle strength and boosts your stamina. It provides oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues. It helps to keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Once your heart and lungs work efficiently you have more energy to productively.                                                                        

My Personal Story: I want to share my story about how my personal goals help me to change my image from a homemaker to an Amazon bestselling author. I just started to focus on my daily habits like shifting from night person to morning person and connecting with like-minded people. It just transformed my life even I can see the before and after effects of changing habits. If it can act as a miracle for me then it will work for you too. I suggest you follow these rules to get the maximum benefits of these.

Conclusion:  If you start setting your personal goals then you would start loving the life that you have. It is a wonderful chance we get from the Almighty to do better and be better. Start following these rules for personal growth, you would love to see the changes in you in a short period. I hope this article will inspire you to set personal goals to shape your image to a new and creative level. I would love to hear your story of transformation in the comment box.

Written by: Ravinder Kaur, A homemaker turned Author and Digitalwritopreneur

#personalgoals #meditation #goalsetting #rajindersoni #ravinderkaur #digitalwritopreneurhub


This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by RAVINDER

Ravinder Kaur
 Ravinder Kaur
(@Ravinder Kaur)
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9 Tips on How to Increase Focus in Achievement of Goals
Summary: Are you facing the problem of concentrating on your daily tasks? Why you are losing momentum in life or slow in making progress on the achievement of your life goals? If you are not achieving your goals due to a lack of focus in life. You reached the right place to learn about what needs to change in your lifestyle so you can increase the focus in your life.
Introduction: Staying focused on a single task/goal for a long duration is hard. But the thing matters is how to focus. Focus affects our confidence and motivation level. Not being focused on life is a costly affair. If you want to become successful in life, you need to focus on what you want to do and focus your energy, time, and efforts on that task. Once your goals are clear in your mind you need to follow the below-mentioned tips to increase the focus and concentration:
1. Focus on one goal at a time: It means you need to prioritize the tasks. If you will focus on one thing/ goal means you are ignoring the other tasks. It will save your time and energy to put in your most important tasks. When we are focused on one thing and keep aside all other things and work on the most important task. But it is the human tendency that our mind starts wandering and we just can’t get it done. There is a need to keep distractions away like all electronic gadgets. They will distract your mind and focus.
2. Prepare not-to-do lists: Usually, people prepare their to-do lists to assign the tasks for a particular hour of the day to accomplish them before their deadline. But for increasing the focus and concentration, there is a need to prepare a not-do list. In this list, you will write all the distraction that is facing from long that are disturbing your mind. It may be any negative person, negative calls, mobile, and laptop notifications.
3. Milestones: They are very important to focus on your life goals. There is a need to create a set of milestones that you want to achieve in your life. Milestones will remind you to move towards your goals without losing focus. For example, you can set a monthly milestone or even a weekly milestone to write a book. It’ll help you stay on track as you reach that long-term goal. To create your milestones, just break down your goals into equal parts and start focusing on the small parts of your goals.
4. Select your sacred space: Sacred space is nothing but no distraction zone. It will increase focus as you will put your 100% effort into it without any distractions. Most of the writers chose the sacred space to write their manuscript to increase their focus and productivity
5. Eat Brainy Foods: Our eating habits determine our level of focus and concentration. It is recommended that we should reduce the intake of sugar and trans fats as these make us feel depressed and mentally confused. There are lots of foods that help to increase focus and concentration like berries, dark chocolates, eggs, fatty fish, avocados, etc.
6. Meditation: It is a mental and physical exercise to calm the mind and increase the focus on goals. It involves the awareness, focus, and concentration of the mind. The human mind has a lot of myths about meditation. It is a boring process initially but your consistency will show you the results in increased focus and concentration. What matters is you get started? Start with a small duration so you don’t feel demotivated to continue.
7. Pomodoro Technique: Pomodoro technique is one of the time management techniques to increase the focus and concentration on the assigned tasks. This technique requires only pen, paper, timer, and to-do lists of your daily tasks. You need to create a list of your important tasks as per their priority. Assign the timer for every task to complete it. 25-5-25-5 is the rule of this technique. You should set the Pomodoro timer for 25 minutes to work then take a break of 5 minutes to rest your mind and again repeat this cycle till you complete the task. There are various apps on boosting focus in life such as Focus Booster and Focus Keeper.
If you are like me and can’t focus for a long time on one activity then you need to start following the Pomodoro technique to get benefits from it.
Conclusion: Above all are some of the methods or ways you can use to increase focus to get more productivity and achieve your goals. Maybe I could have left out some of the points. There may be some other methods that work for you in the best way to increase your concentration. In the end, I can say the focused people are the world champions. They know how to concentrate on one thing and manage their time effectively to increase their productivity. Only determined and focused people value their time and efforts. I hope you enjoyed the article. Please share your experiences in the comment section. Stay focused and stay ahead in life.

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 7 Tips on How to Increase Focus in Achievement of Goals

Summary: Are you facing the problem of concentrating on your daily tasks? Why you are losing momentum in life or slow in making progress on the achievement of your life goals? If you are not achieving your goals due to a lack of focus in life. You reached the right place to learn about what needs to change in your lifestyle so you can increase the focus in your life.

Introduction: Staying focused on a single task/goal for a long duration is hard. But the thing matters is how to focus. Focus affects our confidence and motivation level. Not being focused on life is a costly affair. If you want to become successful in life, you need to focus on what you want to do and focus your energy, time, and efforts on that task. Once your goals are clear in your mind you need to follow the below-mentioned tips to increase the focus and concentration:

  1. Focus on one goal at a time: It means you need to prioritize the tasks. If you will focus on one thing/ goal means you are ignoring the other tasks. It will save your time and energy to put in your most important tasks. When we are focused on one thing and keep aside all other things and work on the most important task. But it is the human tendency that our mind starts wandering and we just can’t get it done. There is a need to keep distractions away like all electronic gadgets. They will distract your mind and focus.
  2. Prepare not-to-do lists: Usually, people prepare their to-do lists to assign the tasks for a particular hour of the day to accomplish them before their deadline. But for increasing the focus and concentration, there is a need to prepare a not-do list. In this list, you will write all the distraction that is facing from long that are disturbing your mind. It may be any negative person, negative calls, mobile, and laptop notifications.
  3. Milestones: They are very important to focus on your life goals. There is a need to create a set of milestones that you want to achieve in your life. Milestones will remind you to move towards your goals without losing focus. For example, you can set a monthly milestone or even a weekly milestone to write a book. It’ll help you stay on track as you reach that long-term goal. To create your milestones, just break down your goals into equal parts and start focusing on the small parts of your goals.
  4. Select your sacred space: Sacred space is nothing but no distraction zone. It will increase focus as you will put your 100% effort into it without any distractions. Most of the writers chose the sacred space to write their manuscript to increase their focus and productivity
  5. Eat Brainy Foods: Our eating habits determine our level of focus and concentration. It is recommended that we should reduce the intake of sugar and trans fats as these make us feel depressed and mentally confused. There are lots of foods that help to increase focus and concentration like berries, dark chocolates, eggs, fatty fish, avocados, etc.
  6. Meditation: It is a mental and physical exercise to calm the mind and increase the focus on goals. It involves the awareness, focus, and concentration of the mind. The human mind has a lot of myths about meditation. It is a boring process initially but your consistency will show you the results in increased focus and concentration. What matters is you get started? Start with a small duration so you don’t feel demotivated to continue.
  7. Pomodoro Technique: Pomodoro technique is one of the time management techniques to increase the focus and concentration on the assigned tasks. This technique requires only pen, paper, timer, and to-do lists of your daily tasks. You need to create a list of your important tasks as per their priority. Assign the timer for every task to complete it. 25-5-25-5 is the rule of this technique. You should set the Pomodoro timer for 25 minutes to work then take a break of 5 minutes to rest your mind and again repeat this cycle till you complete the task. There are various apps on boosting focus in life such as Focus Booster and Focus Keeper.

If you are like me and can’t focus for a long time on one activity then you need to start following the Pomodoro technique to get benefits from it.

Conclusion: Above all are some of the methods or ways you can use to increase focus to get more productivity and achieve your goals. Maybe I could have left out some of the points. There may be some other methods that work for you in the best way to increase your concentration. In the end, I can say the focused people are the world champions. They know how to concentrate on one thing and manage their time effectively to increase their productivity. Only determined and focused people value their time and efforts.  I hope you enjoyed the article. Please share your experiences in the comment section. Stay focused and stay ahead in life.



Written by: Ravinder Kaur, A homemaker turned Author and Digitalwritopreneur

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5 Tips to Develop Self-Accountable Behaviour for  Achievement of Goals

Summary: Do you struggle to stick to your goals? Do you need an accountability partner every time you focus on any task? Here are a few tips to develop self-accountable behaviour that will lead you to the achievement of your goals in life.

Introduction: Everyone in the world comes with the aim of life. But the only thing matters is just a few of them are aware of their aim. The one who knows what they are, where they want to reach, and what they want in life, all these things when written on paper will be a game-changer plan of every individual. When an individual puts in efforts toward those goals, he is only responsible for those actions. Success and failure, all depend upon the consistency of efforts you put in. Accountability is taking responsibility for your actions to ensure that you follow through with them.

Benefits of self-accountable behaviour:

  1. You are accountable to a particular goal: When you have written your goals on paper with its deadlines. Then it keeps you accountable for that and your mind starts focusing on that particular goal.
  2. It creates clarity in your mind: Your goals keep you alert about what, how, and why to get what you want to achieve. Your mind will create a clear roadmap of what that journey looks like and how to reach there to achieve your goals.
  3. It helps to remove the roadblocks: It helps to remove the hurdles you are facing while achieving your goals, like unclear about the expectations, fear of failure.
  4. It tracks your performance: Setting the milestones for your life is an important task for every individual. It creates a tracker system for your performance. You develop the plans to achieve your milestones can be of one month, six months, or yearly. It will track your performance regularly.
  5. You perform better under pressure: When only you are responsible for your action, decision and efforts then you become more alert about your performance.

Tips to become self-accountable in life:

  1. Create a list of your dreams: You need to understand what is important to you and what do you want in life. To achieve the targets of life you need to connect with the people who have achieved earlier than you. You can learn their thought process, their decisions, habits, attitude in life from them to become self-accountable. Without inspiration from like-minded people, you can’t keep yourself motivated. For example, if you want to be fit and healthy, you need to connect with the people who are fit and learn from them their lifestyles and daily habits
  2. One thing at a time: life is so precious one to live so are the goals to achieve. What matters a lot is to be responsible for your goals. You need to focus on the goals. Never give the steering wheel of your life to someone else to destination. To achieve your goals, focus only on one goal at a time, more goals need more energy and more time and focus. Stop multitasking and learn something new and better every day to improve and become self-accountable in life for the achievement of goals.
  3. Stay focused on your goals: To become self-accountable in life, all need to stay focused on their goals. Goals should not be something of your dreams. It should be given some deadlines to achieve. Otherwise, they will remain written on paper. You should condition your mind daily to stay focused on your goals. You can achieve more if you stay focus on your small goals and achieve the small ones on daily basis.
  4. Always ask for help: Surely, No one is perfect. Everyone needs some sort of help from others. There is no need to feel shy to ask for help. Every aspect has two sides. Either you want to learn something new or you want someone to help you out to solve the problem you are facing. You can ask for help from a writing coach if you want to write a book. He will provide you with new insights into writing that will help you to learn from scratch.
  5. Set small goals: Goals should be big enough to keep you motivated and energetic. It will push you to put consistent efforts toward your goals. There is a need to divide your big goals into smaller ones. even a small achievement in life is sufficient to encourage you to achieve more and create a new you.
  6. Create a to-do list for your SMART goals: It is recommended to all to follow the practice of creating a daily to-do list to achieve on daily basis. Only you know what you want to achieve in your life so plan your to-do list accordingly. Goals may be short-term or long-term. But you need to bifurcate your goals into smaller ones and start focussing on the achievement of smaller goals
  7. Self-analysis: To become self-accountable in life, you need to analyse yourself. First, there is a need to check where you were and reached now. You need to analyse the before and after to check your performance, whether there is room for improvement or not in a particular skill.

 Being a woman, I am a highly motivated and determined one. I am very much clear about my intentions. I have developed a system that makes it easy for me to follow through with my intentions. The only thing required is not to lose the motivation to accomplish the tasks. There is only a need to be self-accountable for your goals and smash them. My actions, mistakes, decisions, behaviour, efforts all are my responsibilities.

 Self-accountable behaviour and achievement of goals are correlated. All you need to focus on setting your goals in short and simple that is achievable. Let me know in the comment box. I would love to hear from you.

Written by: Ravinder Kaur, A homemaker turned Author and Digitalwritopreneur

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This post was modified 3 years ago by RAVINDER

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7 Tips for Creating a Powerful Vision in Your Life

Are you struggling with your purpose in life? How to have a vision of a successful life? What is the role of vision in one’s life? Why vision is so powerful? Here are few tips to have a vision in life that helps to visualize to that destination and ultimately helps to reach that point of vision.

Vision is something to visualize the milestones where you want to reach in the future. Vision is everything that you want to achieve in your life. The only problem here is we never decide the milestones where we want to reach in our life. It is the starting point when you decide on the goals. When you are clear about what you want, you will be able to visualize it in your mind with ease. It will keep you a step closer to make it happen. It will give you a great sense of inner achievement once you start focusing on your vision and reaching closer to your vision daily.

Vision should be

  1. Clear: It should be clear enough in your mind that you can feel the achievement of the small efforts you put in toward it.
  2. Positive: There is a need to acknowledge the difficulties that come during your vision journey. The only thing matter is to motivate yourself with the vision of positive change in you.
  3. Big enough: Vision should be big enough that your efforts put in a particular direction solve the problems.
  4. Related to dreams: It should be a personal one too. It should be correlated with your dreams. How you visualize yourself in the future. It’s about taking full responsibility to achieve the results you want.
  5. Close to your heart: Vision should be something exciting related to your passion in life. It should not be the same as your goals and objectives that we decide from the head but it should come from the heart. A vision will keep you motivated and satisfied in life if you give yourself the freedom to dream.
  6. Change-maker: A vision should be a change-maker in society even at a personal level. It will bring change in attitude if it comes from the heart and keeps you contented in life.
  7. Energetic: Everything in life requires sufficient energy. It takes more amount of energy to talk negatively rather than to talk positively. A strong vision will keep you energetic all the time.

Think about some of the inventors and their inventions as The Wright Brothers for The Plane, Thomas Edison for The Light Bulb, and Graham Bell for The Telephone. It was their vision that helped them to the results and bringing their inventions to this world. In the same way, your vision should be something that solves some problems in society.

Vision is powerful enough as it has various benefits:

  1. It inspires you to take action in a particular direction.
  2. It pulls in new ideas, people, and resources towards the vision.
  3. It creates inner change to make things happen.
  4. It inspires the individual to take action and give their best.
  5. It acts as a practical instrument to create plans, set goals, and making decisions to coordinate and evaluate the work.
  6. It keeps you focused even in tough times.

Personal Story: I would love my story on how vision plays a magnetic role in my life. It keeps me energetic all the time to work toward it. During my college days, Vision was powerful enough to keep me motivated. At an early age, I decided I decided that I will write a book in my life. Once I achieved this milestone, it pushed me to put more effort to become Amazon bestselling author. Even the achievement of small goals gives you a larger picture of your efforts and acts as the fuel for your vision journey. Seeing you achieve things easily with minimum efforts in stipulated time will give people surrounding you to follow you and have a clear vision in their own life. Efforts matter a lot, even the small steps you took earlier in life toward the vision. Every small step has its impact on the contribution to the vision.

To summarise, Life without vision is just like a journey without a destination. It is important to have vision and goals in life because it helps to make decisions that create a path to success. To become successful in life, you need to learn what life is all about what it means to you, what you want to achieve, how you want to achieve, in what period you want to achieve that, and what should be done to achieve that goal of your life. The goal, vision will push you to work towards it. So why waste time, focus on your vision and decide your goals accordingly. I hope you loved this article. You will soon focus on the vision of your life and will take action towards it.

Written by: Ravinder Kaur, A homemaker turned Author and Digitalwritopreneur

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How Time Management Technique ‘Pomodoro’ Boost the Goal Achievement Rate?

If you are still struggling with the poor management of time? Are you feeling unproductive all day? If you are facing these issues in your daily life then you came to the right place. Here, you will learn about the importance of one of the time management techniques to achieve the goals in time.

Time management is art even some say that time is money. In other words, we can say the time spent or money spent will never come back. So, there is a need to learn about how to manage it. Sometimes it would be really hard to find motivation for achieving your goals. The main thing here is to put a timer, start working and allow the motivation to make you complete your task within that stipulated time. When you manage the time effectively then you feel more in control. Ultimately, you feel more relaxed and less stressed.

Pomodoro Techniques:

The Pomodoro technique is one of the time management techniques. Francisco Cirillo was the person who developed this in 1980 to increase productivity and to reduce the procrastination of the individuals.

This technique is easy to use for a beginner to become a time management pro. All you need to have is the list of below-given items:

  1. Pen
  2. Diary
  3. To-do list/ your tasks
  4. Mobile/ Laptop for the timer.

You need to create a to-do list of the daily tasks you want to accomplish in the diary with a pen. Then plan what you want to accomplish first as per the degree of priority/importance. If you use mobile for timer then try to keep all the social media applications locked otherwise, they will distract you. It is advised that you will achieve your goals if you keep your mobile to some other place to avoid distractions. Even if you are working on a laptop keep your mail tab closed if it is possible then work on a single tab only.

6 Rules of Pomodoro techniques:

  1. First, there is a need to decide the task you need to do.
  2. Then you set the Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes.
  3. Get to the work on the assigned task.
  4. Then you should take a short break of 5 minutes to refresh yourself.
  5. Start another session of 25 minutes task and repeat it four times.
  6. After the completion of four Pomodoro, take a break of 20 minutes.

This is a workable technique and it will show you the results once you follow the above-given rules in the same order. It will help you to better handle your workload. When you watch the timer, it will alert you to wind up the current task quickly.

Everyone is not able to sit for 25 minutes consecutively. So, it can be modified as per your schedule and workstyle. It works for all types of tasks like reading, writing, studying, project work or even cleaning. When you will completely focus on a single task you will accomplish a lot in less time. Keeping the Pomodoro time short will prevent you from burning out. It will take time to become proficient in using it. First-time users will feel discouraged as their sessions will not go as per their expectations. But, over time they will become able to schedule tasks and complete your to-do list with more focus and energy.

Benefits Of Pomodoro Technique:

  • It helps in increasing focus and concentration.
  • It increases the productivity of an individual.
  • It also focuses on single task execution.
  • It motivates you to complete the assigned task quickly.
  • It saves the energy to use for other productive tasks.
  • The five-minute break gives you enough time to refresh yourself for future tasks.

Managing time was not a cup of tea for me. But as I get married and have kids it was very difficult for me to manage all the things. Then I started creating a to-do list on daily basis. It works wonders so I can manage all the tasks efficiently. After some time, I read about the Pomodoro technique. Then I started using this technique to plan the day. It helps me a lot in achieving my personal as well as professional goals. Writers mostly used this technique in their writing sprints to complete their manuscripts. So, I started using it for my personal use to complete my daily tasks and use the remaining time on learning something new.

We all are different and so are our working styles. It is important to find a suitable time management technique that suits best you, your work styles, and your needs. The most important thing is this technique is not a paid one, it is FREE. You can try it even if you hate it because you are not losing anything. There are more techniques like the 80/20 rule and the ABC principle. To know about these techniques, you have to wait. I am coming with more articles that will help all to manage time effectively.

Written by: Ravinder Kaur, A homemaker turned Author and Digitalwritopreneur

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7 Powerful Steps of Perseverance and Achievement of Goals

 How can perseverance help to achieve the goals of life? What is the role of perseverance in life? What are the important and powerful steps of perseverance that lead to the achievement of goals? Let’s read about how a person of perseverance attains the balance among priority, work, and time.

Successful people have the greatest qualities of perseverance. Perseverance is the quality that creates winners and makes them unique in the world. It is the process of putting step-by-step efforts towards goals.  Choose what you want to do, focus your daily efforts towards it and you will be amazed to see the results that you will achieve. Perseverance is a good habit of not only successful people but anyone can master this tool with concentration and focus.

Perseverance is a series of steps for crossing phases of adversity as you pursue your goals and road to success. It keeps you motivated to work towards the goals and never to give up before reaching the goals. When you consider world-class painters or sports person, perseverance is essential in their performance.

  • You will identify new ways to tackle tasks.
  • Life’s challenges make you stronger and strengthen your ability to face adversity in the future.
  • You will get a great sense of confidence while overcoming obstacles.
  • You will learn from your mistakes by analyzing what went wrong and review your plans.
  • It makes you appreciate the good times.

 9 Proven ways of Perseverance to Achieve Goals:

  1. Have specific goals: It is very important to write the draft of the biggest and specific dreams of your life. Nothing is impossible and you can never know what tomorrow may bring for you – these two statements are true. With perseverance, you will meet your goals. One of the popular ideas is to create a vision board of dreams and goals.
  2. Keep the right tools with you: You will need to make a goal kit for yourself. It includes a calendar, timer, a marker, and a log of some sort to maintain the goals. Post your goals in front of you so you can see and read them most of the time. Journal writing is another tool to write and keep yourself motivated and grateful all the time.
  3. Write it down: Dreams will become goals of your life when you attach deadlines to your dreams. It is obvious that everything you write down on the paper, your subconscious mind will start working towards it. Writing goals is a very crucial task before you start making any plan to achieve those goals. Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timebound otherwise it will be difficult to assess where your performance is lagging.
  4. Plan the work: When you write your goals on paper then it will become easy to plan your work and manage time wisely. Every single day is important and can impact the result of your efforts. Push every day a little harder and you will accomplish more and more one day. So, it is recommended to make a schedule and stick to it as per the plan.
  5. Prioritize the task: There are a lot of activities that are related to the goals of your life. But the problem is to prioritize your activities to proceed ahead. Create a to-do list, as well as a not-to-do list for achieving your targets. A to-do list will plan your tasks well whereas a not-to-do list will help you to avoid distractions. There is a need to set time for each task and tick it off once you are done with this.
  6. Focus on time: Sometimes time management becomes a big hurdle to success. Make sure you mark a calendar or set a timer for everything you want to achieve in life. Pomodoro is one of the best time management techniques to manage time effectively with breaks.
  7. Deal with self-doubt: Self-doubt is one of the biggest obstacles on the road to success. If you understand the power of perseverance you will never give up. If you want to be a winner then start investing in knowledge, you will realize that it is the perseverance that differentiates between failures and winners. Believe in yourself that what you can conceive in your mind you will achieve in life. Perseverance promises that you will live the life of your dreams.
  8. Celebrate the minor success: Small wins related to goals should be cherished. Small achievements lead to big success. Think about solving any puzzle or solving any Sudoku brain game you will feel motivated to see the result. The achievement of short-term life goals will motivate you to achieve more and more in life.
  9. Learn from failures: Everybody fails at some point. It is so common that has become a natural ingredient of success. Very few people achieve success without failing in life. Learning comes from experiences and experience comes from your good and bad experiences. Remember that every idea that comes to your mind will not work. Whenever you encounter failure, learn from your mistakes and grow.

Last but not the least, Perseverance is nothing more than taking step-by-step efforts to one goal. Even the smallest steps will result in success. Perseverance is the power to follow and exert efforts till you achieve your goals, dreams, and vision of your life. What are you waiting for to achieve your goals? Hurry up!! Guys take a pen and paper to write your goals and follow the steps mentioned above. I hope you found this article useful. I would appreciate your views. I am waiting for your comments.

Written by: Ravinder Kaur, A homemaker turned Author and Digitalwritopreneur

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The Deeper, Authentic Way to Set Goals


Do you set goals at New Year and then have trouble achieving them?

Or have you failed so many times at realising your goals that you no longer have any?

Would you instead like to learn to set goals and actually experience the joy of touching the finish line?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for.

Here, we will look at a deeper way of setting goals that are not superficial but is both authentic and powerful.

Firstly what are goals and do we really need them?

You are driving the most sophisticated car. Every day, you go on a ride. Aimless wandering in your car. Feels good. Now repeat this every day. Suddenly, you are not feeling so good. Maybe you are also feeling restless, lost and unfulfilled. Sometimes, you also may be experiencing a sense of emptiness.

Enter a Goal.

Now you decide that within the next 30 days, you are going to visit all the places that are inside a radius of 100 km. And let us make this more fun. You also decide to create a YouTube channel covering your travels as you are quite a good cinematographer.

Suddenly, you are a transformed man/woman. First, there is the planning out and getting all the resources ready – money, manpower and time. There are the logistics, the travelling and the shooting. Finally, the post-production work and the video is posted on your channel. The video does very well, goes viral and you just created an extra source of income.

Now examine all that the goal got into your life

  • Fulfilment from accomplishing something
  • Enjoyment while doing what you loved
  • Fun with your family
  • Money
  • No time for falling ill
  • Overcame fear of speaking in front of the camera
  • Made new friendships

One single goal and so much transformation in yourself.

That is the power of a goal. And also the exact reason as to why you need goals.

It s not just for the CEO of a big start-up or that Corporation. Not just for that sportsperson. Not just for that politician.

I repeat, everybody needs a goal – be it a homemaker or a young student or that retired employee.

A goal gives

  • Clarity while taking decisions
  • Direction to your life
  • Purpose and meaning to life


But why so much ho-haa about goals? After all, it seems obvious.

Because you’ll be surprised that most people have no goals. There is a Harvard Business School Study of the graduating students of the Class of 1979.

Surprisingly, only 3% of the Class had both goals and a plan to achieve them. 10 years later, this 3% were earning 10 times more. We are talking earnings here because that is a measurable metric.

This is pretty much true, wherever you go. Most people have no goal. Of the many who do, only some have a solid plan.

But that minority with a goal and a plan becomes unstoppable.


How to set goals?

Most people think only of their career or money when they think of goals. But that is just not true.

A more holistic approach to goal setting would incorporate all key aspects of your life.

1) Relationships which include your family, friends and relationship with others, say your boss.

2) Finances include all the active and passive ways in which you earn money, your investment, education etc.

3) Health which includes food and fitness.

4) Spiritual which means the many ways in which you connect to self and God through meditation and other means.

This is one paradigm using which you can you set your goals. This is something I personally use. Using this paradigm ensures that you maintain a beautifully balanced growth in all aspects of life.



Using the Top-Down Approach

Before you go any further, take some quiet time off. Go on a holiday or a retreat if need be.

Recalibrate what is the Purpose and what are the Values that matter to you. If you want to earn big money, why and what purpose does it fulfil?

What do you want to be known for? What do you deeply identify with?

Intelligence, Power, Wisdom, Popularity, Creativity..make a list of 100 values and then narrow it down to 20. Narrow it down further to just 5.

Now, these values are going to support you in achieving your goals.

Now from these, we move to Habits and Actions that can help in transforming the goals into reality.

When you break down goals thus,

– You bring great clarity

– You stay more focussed because you are one with the WHY

– You can quickly bring alignment (For e.g. you will never be successful in performing an action or creating a habit that is not consistent with the higher purpose, your WHY).

“Purpose brings a deep emotional connect with the goals”


Purpose brings Passion

Use this format while creating goals the next time around. You will then find yourself drawn to making the goal a reality. You will find yourself on auto-pilot. Achievement will happen. Balance will happen. Fulfilment will come as a by-product.

If the contents of this article, spoke out to you, then please do add your comments and experiences. This article is incomplete without you.

Happy goal-setting! Happy celebrating!


Written By :sowspeaks

           Sowrabha Mahesh, Happy member of Digital Writopreneurs Hub


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