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What is copywriting? Please explain.

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A copywriter is a kind of writer who sell products for the purpose of advertising and other kind of marketing. The product called copy or sales copy, that should focus to increase brand awareness or ultimately promote in a person or group to become famous digitally. Here are some important steps to be followed:

1. Learn the basics of writing
2. Focus on some copy writing skills
3. Need to publish and promote for inviting clients
4. Develop your freelancing process
5. Build your brands to become a successful lead

Preeti Shah
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Posts: 93

Definition of Copywriting

Copywriting means writing promotional material to sell your product or service to prospective buyers.

Businesses use copywriting to expand their reach to potential customers. It also helps them to keep their current customers engaged.

Marketers persuade people to take an action after reading or hearing them.

But if you want people to take action, you need to follow the AIDA model.

  • Grab people’s attention by creating brand awareness.
  • Develop interest in your product or service. Highlight how the problem they are facing is deteriorating their lives.
  • Create desire by explaining the features and benefits of your product or service. Illustrate how the benefits will make their life better.
  • Convince them to take immediate action. Offer a limited-time deal or a special bonus to make them act fast. It can be either asking them to buy your product, fill in a form, make a phone call, or visit your website.


Note: Copywriting is different from copyright. Copyright prevents the illegal use of the original material.


Steps Involved in Writing a Good Copy


Step #1: Research

Understand Your Product

  • Describe your product or service in one or two sentences.
  • Explain the unique features and benefits of the product not offered by your competitors.
  • Mention one major benefit and the problem of your buyers it eliminates.

Research about Your Buyers

  • Who are your current and prospective buyers?
  • What customers love about your product or service?


Step #2: Writing

Write a unique, specific, and attention-grabbing headline.

It should convey what they will lose if they do not take immediate action. It should create a sense of urgency in their mind.

Write a Persuasive Copy

  • Convey your message in a few words to convince your visitors to buy from you and not your competitors.
  • Explain what benefits your product offers to make your prospect’s life better.
  • After benefits, explain the features of your product or service.
  • Use social proofs, such as reviews and ratings of past customers.
  • Write a strong call to action. Make it simple for your potential customers to take instant action.


Applications of Copywriting

The use of copywriting is not limited to writing landing pages only. Here are a few areas where persuasive copywriting is used:


  • Product review videos
  • Television and radio commercials
  • How-to videos of products on YouTube


  • Product sales letters
  • Catalogs
  • Brochures
  • Pamphlets
  • Fundraising letters
  • Product sales letters
  • Newspaper advertisements


  • Promotional emails
  • Landing and web pages with call-to-action prompt, such as read more, ask for a free consultation or follow us
  • Sponsored ads and social media posts



Copywriting requires determination along with writing and marketing skills. Only then you can succeed as a professional copywriter.


#thepreetishah #preetishahwriter #digitalwritopreneurs #whatiscopywriting

Written & Edited By: Preeti Shah

This post was modified 3 years ago by Preeti Shah


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